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The smell of smoke and rain meet dark's nose, ever since he became a werewolf somebody has gotten very interested in him. A small bat fluttered though the kitchen window. It landed on his head in between his fluffy black ears.

"Hello anti"

Dark couldn't see the bat but he knew it gave a cheeky grin.
"Your just in time love" dark truned and pulled a tray of muffins from out the freezer. "Your favorites, blood muffins" the bat on his head flew off and poofed in front of him, grabbing a hand full of the mini muffins. Anti was about to shoved them into his mouth when he was stopped by dark.

"At least wait till we start the movie, darling" dark chuckled.

"Fine but only cause I like you" anti returned the mini muffins to the tray. Dark smiled and switched the muffins onto a plate taking them into the living room. "I'm thinking about watching one of those terrible 50's werewolf movies"
Dark commented.

"Really? Hm I wonder why, dark are you a werewolf?" Anti leaned against the door, blocking dark's way. Dark hated/loved that joke, when he found anti drinking the blood of a man he stupidly said. ' your a vampire?'

"Maybe, if the ears weren't enough to convince you I don't know what will" dark nudged his boyfriend out the way and continued to the couch. He was thankful that the other egos had given him tonight to hang with his boyfriend.

Anti flew over to the and couch and pulled up Hulu. "Doesn't look like they have those 50's movies darkie, but they do have this vampire show" anti lit up and truned to the dark ego. Dark sat down next to him and placed his head on the vampires shoulder.

"Go ahead, play it" anti smirked and wrapped an arm around dark making the others tail thump against the cushions. As the movie was playing, dark nuzzled into the vampires neck inhaling his camp fire secnt. It reminded  dark of opening up a window on a rainy day while sitting next to the fireplace. Anti noticed how the egos ears flattened on his head and how his breaths were more relaxed. Then a thought crossed his mind, he had never touched the others ears it was something that neither him or dark bothered to bring up. Raising a hand he scratched them.

"Anti.." he groaned slightly pushing the vampire on the couch.

"What you never let me do this" he continue to dig his fingers into the fur. A dog like groan came deep from dark's chest making anti's eyes light up. "You like that?" Anti gripped dark's hair pulling him up so he could face him.

"Mhm" dark hummed slightly nodding. "Keep going" he glanced at anti with half lidded eyes. Anti gladly started to run his hands though dark's hair again.

Anti pushed dark down onto the couch, look at them not even halfway through the movie and they where all over each other. Dark leaned up and pressed his lips to the vampire. He groaned when anti tugged on one of his ears, pulling away he glanced up at him.

"Here?" Dark looked around realizing they were about to do it on the egos couch.

"Here" anti leaned back down to bit dark's lips, What a great movie night this is.

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