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As I stay by your side, my breaths drawn shorter and shorter. I can't breath, nor can I speak.

If it was anyone else, I would talk for hours on end. I am silenced by your presence, by your distance.

I let you slip away by opening up to you, the sand between my fingers.

I watch quietly as you run from me. Afraid of knowing who I am. Scared to free the demons of a darkened soul.

A shade of grey on a canvas of colors. A thorn among the roses. I never really fit with the pattern.

I'm different from you. Silenced by the slightest of sounds. A glance, a touch of the hand, a smile. All sounds no one else but I can hear.

You are a silencer. Someone who brings me much peace, but much destruction as well.

I wonder if you ever knew the screams I held in my throat. The screams of my desires, of my dreams and of my fantasies. Silenced.

Whispers reach my ear and say words of sweet temptation "Love me, and you will be loved in return..." are the words that I hear. They are so quiet it's like they never existed.

But all I hear now is the condescending silence of your absence in my heart.

You're gone now. I pushed too far. It's too late to save us now. I drowned in the silence while you floated safely on the noise. I'm too far to save.

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