9.45 PM

13 0 0

The credits rolled by on the black screen, back pressed against the couch I sat in awe. And confusion. Completely drained yet, my mind was spinning.

Was that-

No. I couldn't even finish that thought. Instead, I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. What should I do now, Stella thought to herself. She was still curled up on her couch at the late hour on a Tuesday  .


Reaching over, she grabbed her phone and did what she does best. Research.

It's what led her here in the first place, where she undoubtedly uncovered the greatest episode of all  .

Although three years late... it was better than nothing.

Opening Safari, she went into research mode, and using her handy search engine Google got to work. "Huh," Stella muttered to herself two hours later, a set of burning corneas, and dead legs later.

San Junipero won two accolade awards along with others for the greatest episode in a cinematic theater setting. The actresses that portrayed Kelly and Yorkie were now considered LGBT icons.

Makes sense.

It was the reason she was able to uncover the episode in the first place.

Stella's eyes glanced at the time. Her eyes grew in surprise.

It was so late!

Not that she had any place to be anyway, though if she didn't get any sleep now, her whole sleeping pattern would be off. Thankfully tomorrow was her day off, not that she had any plans. She simply hated wasting a day by sleeping it away.

Climbing off the sofa, Stella turned off the light and went to bed.

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