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I finished up my day at the coffee shop. I tell my best friend Namjoon goodnight as I walk out.

   As I start walking I put my headphones in and play my favorite album: 'The most beautiful moments in life'

  I click randomize. And the song I get is "Butterfly" That song never failed to make me cry.

   A crack of thunder rolled across the sky. I jump at the sound. Then one by one little rain drops fall. Everyone was rushing on trying to open their umbrellas, while I walk slower and slower. The rain was my best friend when I was sad. I would sit in the rain and cry.

   By now the rain was coming down pretty hard. Then I didn't feel rain hit my head no longer. I look up to see a big black umbrella covering my head. I look over and see a tall handsome man walking beside me with his umbrella in hand. I just look at him. I guess he noticed me looking and smiles down at me. He took my headphone out and said,

   "I didn't want you coming down sick."

   I smile at his words and walk on.

Umbrella|| Lucas WongWhere stories live. Discover now