Chapter 16

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                                                                                       Zachs POV

 We got to the police station and ran inside.

 Jack ran to the front desk, ¨ We need officer Ashworth.¨

 We were both out of breath, and the officer knew who we were, so he let us go straight to his office.

 We knocked urgently, and Ashworth opened it, looking a little worried.

 ¨ Good afternoon, Jack and Zach,¨ he says letting us in.

 ¨ Good afternoon,¨ we responded in a hurry.

 ¨ Is everything OK?¨ He asks.

 ¨ No, there was an incident at the hospital,¨ Jack says.

 Ashworth sits down, ¨ What happened? Are you two alright?¨

 I nodded, ¨ We went to pick up Daniel, and Jack went to the front desk. I went outside to wait, and this man tried to take me.¨

 ¨ He had a mask, so we couldn't see who it was,¨ Jack added.

 I nod, ¨ Yeah, but I broke free and ran, and that is when I saw Jack. We both ran back to the car and came here.¨

 ¨ What did your assailant look like?¨ He asks.

 ¨ He had a mask, so we couldn't tell,¨ I say.

 Ashworth goes still, ¨ Hold on, I will show you a picture Daniel caught.¨

 He shows a picture, and the person in the picture and the person in my memory were identical.

 ¨ Thats him!¨ I shout.

 ¨ OK, so we gotta do something about this, Robert is obviously after you,¨ he sighs.

 He thinks for a moment before his eyes go wide.

 ¨ Where was Daniel? I am assuming you two went to pick him up,¨ Ashworth says.

 I look at Jack, where was Daniel?

 ¨ The lady at the front desk said that he left before we got there,¨ I say as I begin to add things up.

 ¨ Oh no! You don't think that...¨ I trail off.

 ¨ Robert got him? It is possible, especially since he was so close to the hospital,¨ Ashworth finishes.

 ¨ What do we do? This cannot be happening,¨ I say freaked out.

 ¨ I was saying it was possible. We cant just assume. We will contact the hospital and all of that before we do anything.¨

 I nod, this wasn't the reason we came here in the first place, so we cant be worrying about it right now.

 ¨ Just go home, he probably left himself, if he isn't, call back,¨ he promises.

 We both nod and leave to go home.

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