Chapter 42

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                                                                                Jack's POV

 After treatment for my sprained ankle, I was released into the waiting room.

 I had a boot on, but would be able to take it off after a week and a half.

 As I was posting that everyone was fine, the guys arrived.

 ¨ Jack!¨ They yelled as we group hugged.

 ¨ Guys, where were you?¨ I ask.

 ¨ We ran to the police station, but they had already dispatched officers,¨ Daniel explains.

 ¨ How is David?¨ Jon asks impatiently.

 ¨ I don't know, they did his surgery, and he should be up any time now.¨

 ¨ David Ashworth?¨ The nurse called.

 We stood up, ¨ How is he?¨

 ¨ He is doing really well. He will have to use crutches until it heals completely, which will be around 2 weeks.¨

 We follow her to a room where David was wide awake.

 ¨ Hi,¨ he smiles at us.

 ¨ Hello,¨ we greet happily.

 ¨ How are you feeling?¨ Jon asks.

 ¨ Very well, actually. I've had worse.¨

 ¨ Wait, so you have been shot before?¨ Jonah asks with a raised eyebrow.

 ¨ Yep,¨ he says popping the p.

 We were told that we could leave.

 It was bright and sunny with clear blue skies.

 ¨ It is a good day, huh?¨ Zach says.

 ¨ Sure is,¨ we all agree.

 We go home and we tell our own sides of the story.

 ¨ I am so glad we are all OK,¨ I say.

 ¨ Same, that was quite the adventure,¨ Daniel chuckles.

 ¨ So we don't have to go to court again, do we?¨ Jonah asks.

 ¨ No, he will be in an isolated cell for the rest of his life,¨ David smiles.

 We celebrate by a pool party, the same place that started the second chapter of being terrorized by Robert.

 We were so happy that it was officially over.

 Robert was gone, we were free.

 Once we were all healed up from injuries, we could finally start our new chapter.

¨ Boom boom boom, everybody say weyho!¨ Zach yelled walking into the living room.

 ¨ Weyho!¨ We yelled back and laughed.

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