Chapter 8

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               Surprise! 2 chapters in 1 day.  I still have 2 other finished chapters that are saved, but not published yet.                                                     

                                                                     Jonahs POV

 I wake up to someone calling my name.

 I slowly get up, wincing in pain, my head hurt.

 I noticed that it was Corbyn and I was so happy to see him.

 I noticed that he was all bruised up, an I ask him what happened.

 He explains to me everything that had gone on, and I felt so bad for him.

 He did not deserve this, no one does.

 Corbyn asks me what happened to me, and my happiness disappears.

 I had a big fight with Daniel, and I was so sorry for it.

 I wanted so badly to tell him how I regretted everything, but I was here, and no one knew how long we would be in here.

 I was angry with myself, there were so many ways for me not to have gotten into this situation, but I could not fix anything.

 ¨ The argument was so bad, Corbyn. I don't know what to do,¨ not that I could do anything now.

 ¨ Well, how about once we get back home, you tell him,¨ Corbyn was so positive that we would get out of here.

 I always looked at both sides, ¨ But what if we don't make it out? What if... if we die?¨ I was crying now, I guess I was freaking out. 

 I couldn't die without letting Daniel know that I was sorry, I didn't want to be a burden. 

 ¨ Jonah, it is OK. He probably already forgave you,¨ Corbyn reassures.

 ¨ But... there was so much that I said that I didn't tell you.¨

 ¨ Well, its not like I got something to do, so go ahead,¨ Corbyn leans back to the wall.

 ¨ I told him that I was going to leave the band once you were back,¨ I look back, ashamed.

 ¨ Jonah, did you really? You know how much that effects Daniel,¨ Corbyn reminded me.

 He was right, this band was more than Daniel could ask for.

 He never liked it when we made a joke about leaving, we were his family, and we were important to him.

 ¨ I know, and I regretted it,¨ I say. 

  I know that I hurt him, and they made me more sad.

 I hoped that our friendship wouldn't change if I get back home.

 The door opens and Corbyn jumps, I saw fear in his eyes, which made me scared.

 ¨ What is going on?¨ I whisper

 ¨ Shhh,¨ Corbyn says quietly.

 The man steps out of the shadows, with a look I could only describe as sinister.

 ¨ Well, well, I see that you are awake,¨ he looks at me.

 I gulp from fear, what did this guy want?

 I wanted to ask why he did this, but according to Corbyn, the punishment would be beyond belief.

 ¨ Do anything, and you will look like your friend, understand me?¨ He asks with control in his eyes.

 ¨ I am not scared of you,¨ oh shit right when I said that, I wanted desperately to take it back.

 He snaps his head to me, and grabs my neck, holding a knife up to it.

 ¨ We will see about that, now wont we?¨ I was so scared as he held the knife closer and closer.

 ¨ No!¨ Corbyn yells.

 The man switches the knife to him, ¨ What? You want to protect you friend? Well I will tell you now, there is no protection here.¨

 We both stare at him, hoping he wouldn't do anything.

 He laughs and leaves, ¨ Im sorry,¨ I say.

 Corbyn shakes his head, ¨ No, you didn't know. We are both lucky,¨ I see tears in his eyes. 

 I realize how serious this whole thing was, and I lie down, thinking about everything as I quickly fall asleep.

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