Chapter 2

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Roughly a week later, Todoroki's nails were now done in a pale pink colour. It was subtle but you could tell he was wearing it. He was glad it wasn't obvious because today he was meant to be having a family dinner that night, and he wasn't sure how his father would react. First he'd visit his mom for a while, then he'd head home for food.

Somewhere along the line, Kaminari had managed to invite himself along, and would be joining the Todoroki family meal. They'd gotten last minute permission for him to leave campus before they set off for the train station.

It would be due to leave at 18:14, so they'd arrive at half past. The train was more crowded than expected, so the two boys ended up standing closer than anticipated.

Todoroki was getting warmer, though he decided to blame it on the amount of people and the fact that he was wearing a turtleneck.

Kaminari himself had decided to abandon his usual black and yellow colour scheme and swapped it out for a red and black button up instead - "It'll match you!" he'd said.

The train arrived on time, so thankfully they wouldn't be late. Fuyumi was the one who opened the door to greet them inside.

"Hi! You must be Denki Kaminari! I'm Fuyumi, Shoto's sister!"

They smiled before going inside to find Natsuo sitting at the table with his laptop.



Fuyumi appeared again, this time holding a pot of noodles. "Shoto, are you wearing nail polish? You never let me do your nails when we were kids!"

Shoto's attention turned from the noodles to his sister. "I don't remember you asking?"

"You were three."


Just then, Endeavour walked in, wearing his casual clothes which shocked Denki as he was only used to his hero costume.

"Hello Mr Endeavour Sir, I go to UA with Shoto." Denki stuttered out. He'd never admit it, but he found Endeavour incredibly intimidating.

Natsuo laughed at his nervousness. "You're acting like you're meeting your girlfriend's parents for the first time."

"Wait that's not what this is?" Fuyumi looked around for an answer, while everyone else seemed somewhat flustered at her misunderstanding.

"How is UA going, boys?" Endeavour asked in an attempt to revive the conversation.

"Good. We're doing crowd control, but I'm not that good at it." Shoto answered half-heartedly. "Denki's good at it though." He smiled slightly as he looked at the other.

"Loud guy, huh?" Endeavour attempted a joke, which was barely successful.

"Yeah! I could never be an underground hero, haha." the pro hero chuckled at Denki's statement before they fell into another awkward silence.

They remained this way all dinner, silence with awkward small talk for a solid ¾ of an hour.

Towards the end of dinner, Shoto's phone got a notification. Simply wanting a break from the conversation (which was now about Natsuo's girlfriend), he checked it to see what it could be.

"Denki, our train has been cancelled because of the weather. We can't get back to campus, some of the streets are flooded. I'll call Mr Aizawa and tell him we have to stay here." he left to room to phone his teacher in private.

While he was waiting for him to pick up, he realised how well the dinner was going compared to the millions of other possible ways he imagined it going.

"Hello, Shota Aizawa here, what do you want?" the voice at the other end of the phone said, sounding as tired as usual.

"Mr Aizawa? It's Todoroki. Me and Denki are unable to make it back to UA tonight, but we'll be in tomorrow, I promise." he heard his teacher sigh from the thought of having to do extra work outside his hours.

"I'll file you in as absent tonight. Don't be late in the morning." Aizawa replied before hanging up.

Shoto took a moment to himself before returning.

"Is he okay with us staying?" Denki swallowed the last bite of his food.

"He sounded annoyed but what else is new." Shoto said as he helped clear the dishes away. This was the exact moment the realisation hit him that Kaminari would be staying at his house. At. His. House.


(A/n awkward time skip because I don't know what to write)

"You awake?" Denki whispered to Shoto. He didn't know what time it was and yet he was still wide awake.

"I am now." was his reply, as Shoto opened one eye sleepily. He shook himself awake slightly, sitting up to face Denki. "What now?"

"I don't know, I didn't actually expect you to be awake." they sat in silence for a moment. "What time is it?"

Shoto checks his phone which was next to his bed. "2:36. We've got to get up early today." he whispers. "You're shivering."

Denki suddenly noticed that he was indeed shaking. He rubs his hands together in an attempt to warm himself up.

"This isn't working. That's it, I'm stealing your heat." before Shoto has time to process his words, the other is already cuddled up to his left side.

"How are your reflexes still so quick at 3am?" Shoto asked rhetorically, placing his arm around Denki.

"Hmmm... This is warm." he said, getting comfy. Shoto brought the blanket up to their necks covering them completely (aside from their heads).

They were both sleeping on the floor since they only had one actual bed and they'd both refused to let the other sleep on the floor while they were comfy in bed. It was nicer this way if they were honest. It felt more like a sleepover than it would have been.

"Denki, your nails are chipped at the ends." Shoto said as he saw the other's hand around his shoulder.

"I might paint them a different colour when I get the chance. I was thinking maybe blue." he lifted his head to see which nails were chipped.

"It'd be cute, blue suits you well." Denki mumbled something under his breath that Shoto didn't quite hear.

"Huh?" he asked.

Denki took a deep breath before speaking.

"I hope I don't regret this." he pressed his lips against Shoto's, and like everything he does, it was both forceful and gentle.

Shoto kissed back, not quite sure what was happening, but he was sure as hell going to savour the moment while he could.

Overall, he'd say this dinner has been a net gain.

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