ch. six

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chapter six

"GERRY, STOP it!" I shouted, pushing through the enormous crowd to grab at him as he lunges himself towards Luis, "Gerry!" His arm slipped from my fingers as I was shoved by Natalia, so she could get at Luis, though she struck Raúl instead. "Nat, what the fuck?"

"It was an accident!" She panicked, rushing to Raúl as he hit the ground, blooding leaking from his nose. I then look at Gerry as he tried to forced Quintanilla off of him, about to go over to him until I saw Quintanilla get hit in the face, immediately letting Gerry go.

I then grab onto Gerry shoulders, forcing him to meet my eyes, "Gerry, leave him-" Before I could finished Gerry shoved me onto the grab, causing me to land hard on my arm. Pain coursed throughout my body so fast I wanted to just lay there and cry, but I felt a pair of hands practically lift me from the ground so I could get back on my feet.

I glanced back to see the hands belonged to Ernesto, though as I was about to thank him, screams then erupted and I turned to see Gerry tossing Luis on the ground. I refrained from feeling my pain as I hurried over to Luis, in an attempt, I cover him with my body.

"Lina, let's go!" I look up to see Raúl rushing over to me with Sofia to help us both us as Javier now held Gerry back. When I stand back up, I watched as everyone were now fighting each other, "Lina!" Raúl tugged on my arm, but I yelped out in agony, causing him to grow concern, "What happened?"

"It's nothing, let's go." I assured him, but was pulled back by Ernesto as someone grabbed Raúl and Sofia to allow Gerry to get at Luis again, "Let me go, Ernesto! Stop it!"

"Kat, you're hurt!" He yelled at me, watching as I fought in his arms, in hopes he'd let me go soon. Everything was happening too fast, even for me to comprehend. My head was spinning and my body ached as I watched Gerry pick up Luis only to knock him down again with multiple hard punches.

"Ernesto, let me go!" I yelled again, pulling myself out his grip completely so I could go back to Luis as his face was covered in his own blood. I wanted to break down at the sight of him, but Sofia and Javier picked him up to take him away from the fight and to his car.

"Lina, come on!" Raúl wrapped his arms around my waist, quickly having us follow behind them as I glanced back to see Gerry and the entire crowd follow us. "Go, get in the car!" He told me before turning to hold Gerry back. I was going to help him, but Sofia grabbed my wrist to take me to the car and put me in the backseat with Luis.

I turn to Luis as Javier tried to start his car, "Luis," I called him, but jumped when I heard Gerry banging at the windows, shouting at Javier to open the doors. "We have to get out of here!"

"I'm trying!" Javier exclaimed as the car began to move, though as he tried to speed out of the parking lot, his car slammed into someone else's, causing my head to jolt back and hit the seat hard.

I groaned, still hearing everyone screams from outside the car until a rock shattered the window on Luis' side. I turned to see Gerry elbowing the window, breaking it completely, so I tried to grabbed Luis, but my one available hand wasn't strong enough as Gerry forcefully pulled Luis out the window and onto the ground, "Luis!"

I hurried out the car as fast as I could, watching Javier grab Gerry again to push him against the car, "Luis, run!" I yelled again before he tried to run away like I said, but Gerry got out of Javier's hold, seeing as he was pulling Luis back by his sweater, "Gerry, fucking stop!" I tried to push through the crowd as it immediately swarmed around them, but once I got through, I stood numb seeing Luis laid unconscious on the ground as Gerry stood above him.

The crowd got quiet briefly before screaming echoed in the parking lot. I turned to Gerry, anger rising in me as I shoved him as hard as I could, "What the fuck did you do?" I shoved him again before Quintanilla pulled him back, "What the hell did you, Gerry?"

He didn't respond to me before Quintanilla pulled him away from the crowd and back toward the school building before I knelt down to put Luis' face on my lap, "Luis," I whimpered, trying to wipe the blood from his cheeks with my thumb, "Luis.."



I looked up from my lap and at my mother, who stood in front of me, her face drawn with worry, "Hm?"

"Your medicine finally came," She held out my prescribed medicine and I silently nod before she took out one pill for me and set it on my vanity beside a glass of water she also brought in.

"Thanks," I mumbled, grunting as I stood from my bed to go to my table to take my pill.

"Now, remember, your doctor said to take it easy," She told me, before letting out a loud sigh, "Kat, you sure you want to go back today? The doctor didn't give you a time limit on how long to stay home."

"I'm fine," I assured her simply, glancing back at her, "Besides, I'm already dressed."

She gave a soft smile, "Okay well, call me if you're feeling any pain in school. I'll come and get you, alright?" I nodded again before she hesitantly left my room. When she did, I exhaled deeply, looking at myself in the mirror or more likely the sling on my fractured arm. "Honey, Raúl is here!"

I looked away and grabbed my bag, leaving my room to see my mom at the door with a packed lunch, "What's this for?"

"Your doctor also said that your iron levels dropped, so I made you a healthy lunch," She took my purse to place the lunch in it before giving it back, "Have a good day!"

She opened the door for me and I walked out the house to see Raúl leaning against his car, picking at his nails until I got close to him, "Ready?"

He nodded and opened my side of the door before going to the driver side and getting in, glancing over at me, "You need help?" He asked as I got inside, but I raised a brow at him, "Buckling your seatbelt?"

I rolled my eyes and buckled my seatbelt myself, "What do I like? A five year old?"

"No, you look like a cripple." He laughed lightly before we drove off, "How are you feeling?"

"Being home these past few days were the thing in my life," I groaned, "My mother has been smothering me constantly."

"Well, you did get hurt pretty bad, Lina," He reminded me, "I'm just glad it's not severely broken."

"I could care less about myself right now," I told him, "The whole time I was thinking about Luis and that video he made." He glanced over at me as I rubbed my forehead, "He didn't deserve that. Any of it."

"I know," He mumbled, "I know." It's been days since the fight and Luis still hasn't woken up. Sofia told Raúl that he was in an induced coma and doctors wasn't sure when- or if he would wake up. I would have nightmares about that day, having it replay in my head like some broken record. It would be flashes of me getting shoved on the ground, Luis getting pulled from the car, and me seeing him on the ground unresponsive with blood everywhere. "Hey, Lina? Earth to Lina!"


He glanced over at me again, "Are you still coming to my party?"

I needed a break away from the hell that I call my life for one night. I look over at him and smiled a little, "If it means I'm not home, I'm drinking and spending the night at your house, then hell yes."

(a/n:: can't believe
i cried watching this
scene again and cried
writing it. it just shows
i can't handle certain shit)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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