Chapter 1

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So, I decided to rewrite this.

Central City, Earth-1

"Okay Barry. Let's test this baby out!" Cisco yelled through the comms. Barry attached the tachyon device to his chest. "How does it feel?" Caitlin asked. "Like having a pit stop attached to my chest." Barry said. "Okay. Ready?" Cisco asked. "Ready." Barry confirmed. He started running. Faster than he ever had before. Yet he somehow knew that this was way below his new potential. "Guys I can go faster!" He yelled through the comms. "Do it." Cisco said. Barry started running. "Barry you're at Mach 13 already that's as fast as Zoom!" Caitlin told him. "His vitals?" Cisco asked. "They're perfect!" Caitlin said shocked, after looking at the monitor. Barry kept running faster. "You just reached Mach 20." Cisco said. Barry kept running. Faster and faster, so fast that he didn't notice the breach right in front of him.

National City, Earth-38

He went through the breach. All of a sudden, he saw a second him, running next to him. They looked at each other. He knew what that meant. "Oh no. This is bad." He muttered. He saw someone falling out of a building. He caught her, and tried to stop. He eventually came to a halt in the middle of nowhere. The woman looked at him. He looked her in the eyes. Her crystal blue eyes. He stared at her like he was hypnotized. "You're on fire!" He noticed. He initially was going to pat it out, until he realised that was her breast area. "Nope." He pulled his hands back. The woman patted away the flames like they were nothing. "You didn't need to save me." She said. She took off flying, leaving her shirt in his hand. "And her I thought i was the impossible." He stared upwards.

He ran after the woman. She saw him running under her, or rather, she saw a streak of orange lightning. She stopped for a second. Barry looked at her and asked "How did you do that?" "I'm Supergirl." She said, like a Supergirl was a normal thing. "What's a Supergirl?" He asked, clearly confused. "Who are you?" She asked. "You tell me who you are then I'll tell you who I am." He said. "Why should I trust you?" She asked. "I don't know." He answered. "Fine. My name's Kara." She gave up. "Wow you gave up easily. Hi I'm Barry Allen." He said. "Apparently he's a man named Barry Allen." Kara said. Barry assumed they were comms. "Weird, there are no Barry Allens in the country." He heard a voice through the comms. "What country is this?" Barry asked. "The United States of America." Kara said. "Oh shit." Barry muttered. "Who are you really?" She asked him. "Yeah my name really is Barry Allen. But I think I'm stuck in the wrong universe." He explained.

"Oh my god. Are you an alien?" Kara asked. She knew that humans had not confirmed the existence of the multiverse. "Oh my god! Those exist! Wait 'til I tell Cisco. And to answer your question, well, if we're on Earth then no." Barry told her. "How do you know about the multiverse?" She asked. "Well, I was saving a place called Central City from a singularity, but I'm doing so I accidentally opened 53 breaches from my world to the closest. Earth-2. I have been fighting a villain from there named Zoom, but I'm not fast enough yet, well wasn't. I was testing a new device that would boost my speed, but I went so fast I ripped a hole in the dimensional barrier. Do you know what earth this is by any chance?" Barry let out all at once. "Earth-38. And what does this Zoom do?" Kara asked. "Well he used to just murder people, until be tried to murder entire universes." Barry said. "Follow me." Kara said.

"Whoa! What is this place!? Is this Area 51?" Barry asked. "Is that a space ship?" He said, as his eyes directed towards the pod-looking thing in the corner. "That's my space ship. The one I came to earth on." Kara said. "You're an alien? That's so cool!" He said. "Hands up!" Someone shouted, pointing a gun at him. "I think we can do this without violence." He said, as he sped over, took the gun, and disassembled it. He ran back to were he was standing. "My name is Barry Allen, and I need your help getting back to my world." He said.

"Is there a Big Belly Burger on this universe?" Barry asked from his containment cell. "I'm trying to get you out of here!" Kara snapped,while writing an email. "You know I could get out of here at any time right?" He said. "I'd like to see you try." Kara smirked. He phased out of the cell. And ran out to find a Big Belly Burger. He ran back in with a burger and a bag of fries. "How did you get that?" Kara asked. "Well I have this card filled out where you buy 10 burgers and get one free with fries with me, so I used that." Barry said. Want a fry?" He asked. She opened the cell. and took the whole bag of fries. "Hey! You stole my fries! I saved up my card for that!" He yelled. He ran out, and took it back. "We have determined the man non-dangerous." Someone said. "Good." Barry said, phasing through the cell. "She stole my fries earlier." He said, pointing at Kara. The woman who said that he was "non-dangerous" sighed. "This is gonna be a long day." She sighed. "So, anywhere I can stay while I figure out a way to get home?" Barry asked. "I guess you can stay at my place." Kara said.

Metanglement | Book 1 of the Superflash TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now