✨Chapter 20✨

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"Yes mom don't worry, I'm okay geez! Okay listen, I have to go now Jungkook is calling. Bye, love you" You immediately cut the call and rushed downstairs.

"Y/N- ohh you're here!" Jungkook flashed a smile which made your flutter like crazy.
"Yes? Is anything wrong? Is the breakfast not tasty? Is-" "Everything is fine Y/N, I just have to leave for work right now so I won't be able to finish the breakfast" You slightly sulk at his remark.

"At least taste it" "No Y/N, I don't have time at all. Please try to understand" You sighed and nodded in response. Jungkook gave a quick peck on your forehead before leaving the house in a hurry.

You had your breakfast alone and then began with the cleaning. Your mood was completely changed now. You had prepared Jungkook's favorite breakfast yet he didn't even lay a finger on it. You would be lying if you said you weren't upset.

A phone call interrupted your thoughts. You walked over to your phone and realised it was an unknown number. You reluctantly received the call before exhaling a small "hello." "Umm... Mrs Jeon?" "Speaking?"

"Ahh yess, please be ready by 7:00 pm. Also, there is a new dress in your closet. Please don't forget to wear it. Okay thank you."

You were confused as hell. You didn't even know who called you. You tried calling back but it was already switched off.

You tried calling Jungkook but even he didn't recieve your call. You rushed to your closet and saw a beautiful red, shimmery dress hanging there. Your jaw dropped in awe.

But one thing was still not clear. Who put that in?
Your curiosity reached its peak and you couldn't get a hold on your thoughts.
"What if it's a kidnapper? What if someone is planning my murder? What if I get into some danger?" Your mind couldn't think of anything else. "No no the man sounded sweet. I don't think he's bad"
You decided to wait till the evening and deal with the consequences.

You wore the beautiful red dress which made your curves prominent. Your long, wavy hair made their way to your hip. You felt a gush of enthusiasm taking over you.

The door bell rang taking you out from your thoughts.

You rushed downstairs while fixing the accessories you're wearing.

The door opened revealing a tall, buff man who seemed like a bodyguard to you.

"Ma'am are you ready? We need to leave now." You gulped down the dry lump which was formed in your throat. Anticipation took over you as you felt your heart thumping against your chest.

The man took you to a humongous car which clearly hinted that everything is gonna be very expensive, something you'll experience once in a lifetime.


Thank you for all the love and support. It means a lot to me♡

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