Chapter 16

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Okay I know some stuff really went down last chapter so this chapter might be a bit shorter, but fluffier. I don't have much to say, except I hope you like the chapter!


I wake up laying on top of Harry and the sun in pouring in throught the windows. Harry is lightly snoring and it's one of the cutest things I've ever seen. He his face is so well highlighted in the early morning light, and I wish I could just lean down and give him soft kisses until he woke up, but that's inapropriate, since we haven't even gone on our date yet.

I get up slowly, careful not to wake Harry and I see two advils, a glass of water, and a messy note.

Hey Niall.

I got this for you for when you wake up. If you're not in to much pain, you don't have to take them, but if you do feel enough pain it will hurt to move too much, take the medicine. It won't hurt anybody and if you do you'll be hurt, and nobody wants you to be hurt.


I smile at his thoughtfulness, and I do end up taking the pills since I slept weird and my stomach hurt a bit when I bent down.

I carefully lift my shirt a bit to see prominant bruises, that don't seem to be going away anytime soon.

Groaning I lay back down and look at the ceiling. It's a nice cream colour and it has intricate swirls I hadn't noticed.

I guess rich people have to have fine details everywhere.

I don't want to think of Harry and just some rich boy, especially after last night and how his mother's wealth was the best and worst thing to happen to her and the family. Yeah it was really bad, but it brought her Harry who is so amazing, and his older sister, who I'm sure is just as lovely.

I sit up, after 15 minutes of staring at the ceiling and I look around the room taking in the similar swirls on the curtains, but in silver to the perfect paint job on his bookshelf, that held many beautful books.

I've never been interested in books, but Harry's look so beautiful, they make me want to pick up one.

I also notice he has some fresh flowers in the corner, and some paintings hung.

It definatly feels like I'm staying in a 5 star hotel and not some 18 year olds room. The only thing that I would be able to identify as personal is they couple of picture frames of Harry, one with Liam, Louis, and Zayn, and one with who I assume are his mum, sister and step-father.

Harry and his sister really look like their mother, who is smiling and hugging them both tightly, and they're both smiling brightly.

I start thinking about my mum, and how I haven't told her about what's happening with Louis, since I know she'd bring me back to Ireland. I think about Greg and how his wife Denise is pregant, and they just found out it's a boy. They called me right after the apointment crying with happiness and I started crying, knowing I'm gonna be an uncle.

I guess I was in my head too long, because Harry is up and looking at me concerned.

He has a two mugs and two plates of breakfast on a tray and I give him a confused look, since I know I wasn't in my head that long.

"Tommy, my chef made it this morning." He says like it's no big deal, but I guess after a while it wasn't a big deal.

My mouth makes an 'o' but then starts salavating, when I smell the bacon, which smells heavenly.

Harry chuckles handing me a plate that has lots of bacon, sunny side up eags and a piece of toast that is thoroughly jammed.

We eat on the bed and watch Grizzly and the Lemmings.

The Irish Exchange Student (Narry Storan)Where stories live. Discover now