Episode 1

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Mason had only ever moved from a few places in the states. But he had never been to Oregon. It seemed normal, bright and warm. Perfect, even. But don't believe everything you see.

Mason's POV:

I stood in front of Rosedale Highschool. Another new place, more friends to make. Maybe these friendships will last longer.

A small group of students stood by the entrance talking and laughing. A girl with wavy ash blonde hair, a tall, pale guy with curly jet black hair, and another guy. Still taller than me but not as tall as the other guy.

He had what seemed to be naturally tanned skin, messy dark brown hair, and maybe freckles? It was hard to tell from a distance. He looked pretty grouchy despite his friends laughing around him.

Mental Note 1: Stay away from angry dude.

My height being around 5'5", he seemed to be maybe around 5'11". If I were compared to him, I look like a tiny bean. I mean, it's not a bad thing, it's just that he seems really intimidating by height.

I briskly walked past them, hoping not to catch anyone's attention, and thankfully I didn't.

I entered the school, trying to rid myself of the nervousness I felt. It wasn't new being the new kid. My parents only moved around every few years because they got bored of staying in the same place for too long.

Almost immediately I was overwhelmed by all the students crowding the hallway, talking up space as they chatted with one another. There was hardly any space to walk, and since I was shorter than most people, I couldn't see anything.

I turned around to walk back outside and maybe ask someone there for help, when I ran into someone. I stumbled to the ground.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching-"

"It's fine!" I looked up to see the girl with ash blonde hair from outside. She held out her hand to help me up.

I gratefully took it and stood up, dusting myself off.

How embarrassing. And on the first day too...

"I haven't seen you around here are you new?" Asked the guy with curly black hair. I looked around. The grouchy guy was no where in sight.

"Uh, yeah. And with my height, I won't be able to see where I'm going until everyone else is already in their classes." I laughed awkwardly.

"Well that's ok!" The blonde girl said enthusiastically.

"Yeah, we can be your guide." The tall guy said.

"My name's Charlotte." She held out her hand. I shook it.

"Oh, and my name's Toby." I shook his as well.

"Mason." I said and pointed to myself.

"Well Mason, what's your schedule?" Charlotte asked.

"Let me check." I swung my bag off of my shoulder and shuffled through it. I pulled out a single sheet of paper with my classes printed on them.

I handed Charlotte the paper and she glanced over it. She showed Toby the paper and they stared at each other for a solid five seconds.

"You have the exact same schedule as Bo does." He laughed. (How convenient...hehe)

"Bo?" I asked, confused.

"Oh he's just another friend of ours. He's kinda mean though, so good luck with that." Charlotte grinned.

"Great." I mumbled to myself.

"Oh don't worry, we'll tell him to be nice to you." Toby said.

The bell rang loudly and everyone started rushing to their classes.

"Oh crap. We gotta go. Ms. Garter will be mad." Charlotte said.

"Yeah." Toby agreed and they rushed past me.

"Wait! Where do I go?" I shouted to them. Toby turned around.

"Follow us, we all have first period together." He waved me over.

I grinned and ran after them.


First story, obviously. This is my own original idea.

Okie bye. I'm low key excited for the good stuff :)

August 31, 2020

Word count: 653

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