Episode 6

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As soon as Bo heard his voice, he was overcome with that feeling again. Warmth. Bo looked over at Mason who was sitting right next to him. Mason shifted around, trying to get comfortable, when he accidentally brushed his knee against Bo's.

"Sorry." Mason smiled. Bo's stomach turned with excitement.

His smile...His voice. What is happening to me?

Bo thought to himself. He could almost feel his eyes dilating just like he could feel the warmth in his face. He stared down at his unfinished food, hoping the foreign feeling would go away. He could feel the eyes of both Toby and Charlotte on him, but Mason paid no attention to any of them.

He had stopped eating and pulled out his textbook, possibly hoping to finish ealier's notes so he wouldn't be left with homework.

Bo's phone dinged with a new notification, a text from their group chat. He picked up his phone and opened it to the messaging app.

Your face looks like the strawberry I had for breakfast this morning.


Bo looked up at them to see them both shaking with suppressed silent laughter. He stole a glance at Mason who, thankfully, was still focused on his notes. Bo quickly typed a message back.

Wtf stop.

Both of their phones dinged at the same time and they picked them up to look at it. As soon as they read the text, their laughing became slightly louder.

Bo stared at Mason out of the corner of his eye, praying that he wouldn't notice. Mason just shifted slightly, his eyes still trained on his textbook. And that's how the rest of lunch went. Back and forth text messages between the three, Mason being oblivious to everything, and Bo, as red as a tomato yet not knowing why.

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I could hear their giggles. I could see Bo out of the corner of his eye, frantically typing on his phone. I could also see Toby and Charlotte trembling as they held back their laughs.

I wonder what they're laughing about.

I thought to myself. I ignored them, hoping to finish my work before the end of the lunch period. I continued and eventually got into a focused rhythm of reading, writing and highlighting. I got almost an entire page finished before I heard Charlotte and Toby howling with laughter.

"What's so funny?" I asked looking up. Charlotte and Toby continued laughing so I turned to Bo, waiting for an answer. He kept facing forward toward the two, while aggressively waving his arms, silently telling them to stop. Eventually, he seemed to notice I was staring at him.

He quickly put his hands down and stood up quickly.

"Gotta go." He mumbled before walking away. Eventually Toby and Charlotte quieted down.

"So, what was that about?" I asked, nervously laughing. Charlotte smirked and picked up her 3DS and went back to her game, shaking her head.

"Bo can be...how do I put this, sensitive, sometimes. Though he refuses to admit it." Toby shrugged. I couldn't help but chuckle before going back to my notes. As for Bo, he wasn't seen for the rest of lunch.

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"You think that Bo likes Mason?! Like, like likes him?" Toby whispered loudly.

"Duh. Isn't it obvious?" Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"But that's absurd! Bo isn't even gay."

"He could be bi. Actually, I don't think that Bo realizes it yet."

"But he only met him today."

"Like I said a minute ago, love at first sight."

"That kind of thing only happens in fairytales and crap. Like those sappy little 'Happily Ever After' stories." Toby waved his arms dramatically.

"But did you see his expression when they first met? And when we asked him about it? And then how red he was at lunch when Mason sat down next to him?" Charlotte shoved her homework towards Toby to let him copy it down.

"Maybe you are right. But is it even possible to develop a crush on someone within just a few hours of knowing them?"

"I don't know. Google it or something. But one thing is for certain. I've never seen Bo blush or stutter before. Have you?"

"Nope." Toby shook his head.

A/N: Someone added this story to a reading list!!! Now views yet, but I'm more than hopeful now :D

Anyways I made some more TikTok's. The first one is currently at  106 views and 25 likes- https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJSKo7SG/

The second one is at 147 views and 45 likes- https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJSE2TuA/

The third one is at 4 views 0 likes because I just posted it- https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJSKEaTq/

And the fourth one I also just posted, is at 1 view and 0 likes- https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJSELyCP/

But the story is about to start getting REALLY good!!

Word count: 807

September 7, 2020


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