Chapter 10 - Concerning Shihram

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"Are you alright?" he asks as soon as he's closed the door. I consider it for a second. I don't know, and we have more important things to take care of. I turn around and head back to the others.

"Did you get anything out of her?" Catherine inquires.

"1,8,11 is female," John says. "Sarah knows the identities of some of the others, but claims that if we catch one, 1,8,11 will just recruit more," he rattles off. "And she passed the treat on to Nicaa again," he says in a less forceful voice.

"No," I argue. "That wasn't a threat. That was a description. That was her worldview described in a single word," I define.

Robert catches my eye. "I'm fine," I realize. He smiles at me. I really am fine. I actually have communication with the opposition, it's less abstract now, more real. Real is what fiction battles. This I can handle; this I am ready for.

"How long can you hold her for?" I ask.

"Without a confession, we only have about ten hours left." John's voice is robbed of the last of its anger, and a simplicity of fact stating turns his voice almost plain. "And even if they get Rolaan Summers there's still no guarantee that we'll be able to hold him. By the way, did anyone find out which string he is?"

"7,8,8," Catherine says. "But even if we can't hold him at least it will break his pattern."

"Would that mean starting over, or giving up?" I ask. Or would it be something else entirely? But we don't get a chance to discuss it. At that moment the door opens and Joanna walks in.

"What the hell John!"

He turns to look at her but doesn't respond verbally.

"I walked past interrogation looking for you," she continues. Her eyes are looking for answers, his lips refuse to move.

"I demand to know how long has she been here?" she demands.

"Little less than three days," he informs her.

"Three..." She swallows hard. "Three days?" Her voice is weak, and her head tilted as if hoping he'll admit he was lying. He doesn't speak.

"How could you not have told me?" she accuses. "I thought she... How could you let me think that?"

"I didn't. I went by her apartment for you," he replies logically. Before any of us realize what is happening his cheek exhibits a bright red mark in the shape of her hand.

"Don't you dare. Don't you dare pretend you are faultless." Her voice trembles.

"I'm not, I'll gladly accept my faults," he claims. I doubt it. "But I will not apologize for not risking this investigation, not risking people's lives, simply for your comfort."

That takes her aback. "People's lives?"

"Sarah is being held as a suspect in 11 murders," he informs her with a cool voice.

She shifts her weight, trying to find out which foot to stand on. "No," she says, her voice almost imitating his coolness. "Not Sarah. I don't believe it. You're wrong."

"Maybe I am," he admits. I look at him in surprise. "But it's not my call." She considers it for barely a second before turning to Robert and Catherine.

"You're wrong," she says defiantly.

Catherine meets her eyes for a split second before looking away. John is the only one comfortable with lying to her. I get up and leave the room. In interrogation, Sarah is still waiting for us to come back, and the clock is ticking. I press in the code John used earlier and go in. She considers me for a second, smiles slightly, and goes back to studying her feet.

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