Chapter One~

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(Two Months Later)

Her steps were long, strung out, each one getting her further away from the Griever two feet behind. She mapped the maze with her eyes, taking a sudden left turn that would eventually lead her to a dead end; a trap.

She stopped suddenly, her heels turning her to face the Griever, thirty seconds away from reaching her. Behind her was a slit in the wall, it was the slit she always used for this kind of trap; it was the narrowest. When the Griever finally caught up to her it paused, as if studying her, giving Newt enough time to pull her through the slit. The Griever reacted suddenly, trying it's best to climb through the slit after her until it squished itself to death.

"Ivy! What the hell were you thinking! If I hadn't have been here to pull you threw the slit, we'd have to bury you with the Deadheads!" she smiled at the now dead Griever, its pointy arms still reaching out after her as she backed away.

Ivy, this was her chosen name in the Glade. Soon after her arrival, she never regained the memory of her name. Boxing, fighting, she even slammed her head up against the Glade wall; her name was never remembered. Soon after, Gally started calling her Ivy, the name originating from the time she beat him climbing up the Glade walls.

"Newt, I've done this a thousand times. Who made the traps?" Newt paused, out of breath, as if looking for an answer. "I have no clue Mrs. Shank...we're ten minutes past schedule...come on."

Before Ivy could argue with him, Newt took off in a sprint towards the Eastern doors. She could hear him cursing, his footsteps becoming one with her own as she raced to catch up.

When they reached the doors Minho had already ran inside, Newt following hot on his heels as if racing him. Ivy stopped, waiting, watching as Minho tackled Newt for passing him; several Gladers starting to cheer.

The sound of the doors starting to close brought Ivy's attention back behind her. She could already hear the maze beginning to change, releasing new Grievers. She waited until the door had slid out enough before pressing her back against it, letting it slide her along as it closed. The nightly routine.

"Hey shank! When you're done over there you might want to draw your map for once!"

Ivy shrugged at Minho's deep worn voice, the Eastern doors releasing her with a sudden jolt through her back.

"I cleared one section, Alby isn't gonna like that very well." As if on cue, Alby appeared from the Homestead, a stern look on plastered across his face.

"Alby! Ivy has something really important to tell you!"

Ivy hissed, her baby blue eyes sending Minho a glare every Glader had received once or twice. He had just dug her grave, and Alby was an expert at busting lies.

"Hey shankie, what's so important it has me actually excited?" She was dead, Minho had put her in a position she couldn't shake, and then it came to her.

"That's right! I almost forgot...I used the slit to kill another Griever...that's the third this week." It was the truth, but Newt did save her from being stung, she just hoped he would keep it to himself.

"Do you like running around like Griever bait?"

Ivy shrugged, her elbows pushing her off the now closed doors as she smiled happily. "I guess...I am the only one who kills them."

Trotting off, Alby playful slapped Ivy on the back, the tensing feeling seeming to melt away as she walked towards the Homestead. Letting her hair down, she let the cold breeze flowing in from the maze rush over her, staling her. The maze was never this cold, it felt off but it relaxed the part of her that worried, sending chills down her spine.

She sensed rain.

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