23. ☆𝕬𝖟𝖐𝖆𝖇𝖆𝖓☆

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"Jungkook stop moving!" Taehyung groaned, annoyed at the other for moving while he was trying to read a map here. The annoyed male took the giant map and flipped it around, trying to understand what it was saying.

The Slytherin growled. "Shit! You should've told me that it was gonna be windy! My cloak keeps pulling me back, I would've  drowned down there if it wasn't for me holding you!!"

"Oh so now it's my fault?! You  were the one deciding to come with me at last minute so just shut up and hold me tight."

"Yeah, you'd like that", the brownhaired male mumbled with a slight chuckle. "Or, would you perhaps like to drown??" Taehyung argued, to which the annoying Slytherin responded by tightening his grip on the silverhead's waist, which sent shivers down the latters spine. Jungkook noticed and smirked. "Like this?"

"Shut up I'm trying to read this map here!!" Taehyung said, returning his gaze on the map with a deep concentration. The Slytherin laughed a little as his head was rested on the Gryffindor's shoulder. "What asshole?" "You're reading it upside down idiot."

Taehyung gulped and turned it around. "Where'd you get that anyways? I've never seen it before." Jungkook frowned. "I-- e-euh...", the exposed male stuttered. "F-from the li-brary... Forbidden section..." Suddenly the latter felt tickles on his side, without noticing he laughed really loud. "J-Jungkook!! I s-swhear, ahaha STOB IT! Ahah"

"Didn't know you'd be so sneaky, Gryffindor", Jungkook teased, tickling him again while enjoying the cute giggles that erupted from the adorable silverhaired males mouth. "S-Stoppp!!"

Finally the Slytherin stopped, making the attacked male calm down again. "Jerk", he uttered between heavy breaths. 

Jungkook smiled at the other as he was reading the map again. This time he seemed more serious. "H-how long till we get there?" he asked hesitantly, not really wanting to interupt him, but still wanting to know. "Hm, about 20 more minutes. But, it says here that we have to pass a giant storm first. It surrounds the prison so the prisoners feel bad all day."

"Sounds really cruel, but I guess the deserved it", Jungkook stated mindessly, which made Taehyung knit his eyebrows. "No, not all. Not my dad", he said. "He was put there because someone wanted to get rid of him."

A couple minutes passed. Taehyung's eyes sticked on the map like superglue when a small raindrop fell on the map. Then another. And another. Taehyung looked around him and noticed that they were flying under heavy, dark clouds. Suddenly, the clouds started spinning around in a circle. The wind became heavier and heavier above them. "Oh my-"

Jungkook, who was lost in his own thoughts heard the male speaking and looked up too, his eyes widend. This wasn't a normal storm, the clouds were forming a tornado, right above them.

Nimue was struggling to flap her wings in the heavy storm. Taehyung could see this and bent over to encourage her to keep flying, but when doing this, the map in his hands was taken out of his grip by the heavy wind that blew it away from them. "No!" Taehyung screamed, reaching out to the map, but it was too late. The map was now somewhere in the dark clouds.

There was no turning back now, they have to keep going.

The latter looked stressed and panicked, trying to clear up his mind. Jungkook noticed and formed his lips into a straight line. "Get back", he demanded. The Slytherin then bent over to grab some fur he could hold onto while moving to the front. It was a dangerous move but he did it succesfully.

"What the hell are you doing Jungkook?!" Taehyung yelled, confused at the others actions. "Trust me!"Jungkook only replied as he scanned their surroundings and noticed that they had to keep distance from the tornado forming above them. It was hard to see since heavy rain kept on falling from the dark grey sky.

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