Chapter 12

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The next day, on campus, I felt different in little ways. I made more eye contact with people. I wanted to be seen. I felt good about the way I was looking after my buddy makeover. When I went to the computer lab, I noticed that Bijan had sent me an email at my school email account. He had wanted to meet me for lunch. He said he would be at Pinks at 11:30. I replied and hoped it wasn't too late.

Pink's was a small bar and grill named Pinks in the hopes that the frat kids would think it was a gay bar and would stay away. It was just across the street from Catlett and was a usual hangout for music majors and their friends.

When my morning classes ended, I walked across campus to find him. Though it was hot, he was waiting for me on the front patio. He'd found a shady spot and was sipping a Coke.

"Hey, buddy," he called to me as I walked around the hedge to the front patio.

"What's up, Bijan?" I said, taking a seat. "Everything ok?"

"Dude, you look different. What did you do?" he said, gawking.

"Oh, just a few updates."

"Hardly recognized you. Why the change?"

I leaned in and said, "I'm gonna try to get Laura back."

"Oh, now I get it. And you think this will help? Was this your idea?" he asked.

"Well, I sort of had some help from some friends."

"I see."

"What. I'm not allowed to make new friends?" I said.

"Dude, I don't care. I have friends, too," he said, giving his head a quick shake, a little of annoyance on his face.

"Anyway," I said, "What's up?"

"Oh, really not much. I just wanted to catch up a little."

"Anything going on?"

"I got a job," he said.

"Oh, really? Doing what?"

"It's an apprenticeship...with James Lord."

"The movie composer? Dude who did Winds of Glory?"

"Yup," he said proudly.

"Dude! That's amazing. When do you start?" I asked.

"That's the thing. I start in a week, and it's in L.A." He leaned back into his chair, an anxious look on his face.

"What about school?"

"I'm putting that on hold for now."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah, I've given it a lot of thought. My parents weren't too pro on it at first, but they came around. It's just too good of an opportunity. Ya know?"

"Yeah. Totally," I said, keeping my eye out for the server.

"Anyway, I just wanted to tell you face-to-face. I'm going to have a little party this Friday, and I'd like you to come. And this is perfect," he said brightening. "Laura's gonna be there."

I took a moment to consider this. This might change things. I'd need a plan. I thought about Zach and my new friends. I wondered what they would say. "Ok, cool. That could be good."

"If you ask me, I think you should just be honest with her. Tell her you made a mistake and that you want her back."

"I don't know. I kind of have this plan, and yeah, I do intend to be honest with her, but it's gotta be the right time. Like on the Kansas City trip. The choir is headed there soon for the ACDA Convention. "

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