Fast Runner

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I start my story where the differences came in, where I started to change.

It was early in my tenth year, I had had a totally normal life, just as any other she-wolf in a pack of twenty three.

Only difference being that I was family of the alpha female, my mother was the sister of the alpha male's female.

Usually any family of both the alpha male and female would be cast out or leave at their own will to go and look to find a pack else where. But my mother had somehow been allowed to stay, not even in low rank, we where treated like royalty.

This made everyone else in the pack suspicious as to why. As you can imagine I was not much liked among my fellow pups. Even there where no rank stood I was seen as the lowest, and treated as such.

So when the others started their transitions I was left behind, I felt like a total outcast.

I had been born early so why had I not started my transition yet at least late, if anything logic told that I should have had it before the others, with at least a month, this stranged even more since normally early births so far back would have been seen as non acceptable, which begs the question of why I am even alive.That should have already sprung up red flags for me.

But even more strangely the pack didn't make a big deal out of it...I deduced it was because of their excitement and anxiety of their pups first transcendence into becoming she-wolf and ware-wolf, meaning human and beast.

All around me pups started moulting, their lush puppy fur shedding, patches of their to be human hair showing under the shedding layers.

At a surtain point the pack split up into pairs of four.

My mother too leaving me to aid her sister with the twins; Leaving me well alone to fend for myself in the den, although that would seem as a bit of a over statement as I was not truly alone, a few roughs roamed around the aria that I have come to know well, as they -seemingly my only friends-

did not mock me or look down but neither bother with it, they just rolled with it.

I liked them and so whenever I got the chance I would sneak off to hang around their tunnels, though I never dared actively seekreason to of fear of putting them in danger of getting caught.

Among them stood an outcast. He too was late in his transendence. You sea he at his birth had dropped out while his mother was still moving, evedently injuring himself.

Now at age ten he walked with a limp and his jaw and nuzzle draws to an unruly point. It would be easy to take him for a fenic fox in a dark night if it where not for his taut body, for his age he was strong and unchallenged even by shewolf/warewolf standards.

A wolf of high rank would not bother to take notice of him but even those of lower ranks even stronger than him would not, since in their pack life already they are at risk of injury, he would most likely be able to take to beta's at once and send them back to their alpha chuncking.

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