A Human Bond

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Silence a odd thing for the forest floor to be in, especially this time of year

These were my first coherent thoughts as I laid there, I felt warm, had I not shed, had I just imaged my transcendence?

Splaying out my fingers I felt the softness of fur.


Jolting up with as much force as I could muster to compensate for the feeling of nakedness I was adorned with suddenly as I glanced around me wildly.

My arms crossed over my chest instinctively.

The fur I had felt moments ago now came to life, they were pups, wolf pups, the true creatures of no mutation.

They did not even consider me as one by one they loped off the bed on all sides.

I could here their claws against the carpet as a few streatched out, others leaping down the step of the alivated bed towards the couches that lined the walls just under the windows.

Each one went to a window.

Backed up against the head board I could feel myself shaking like a new born. Training my eyes on the window I deduced that I was on the unseen side of the mountain, a mist cloud adorned the sloping and falling hils, cliffs and valleys.

It was clouded over and fresh frost rimed the windows.

Early morning I took it, for the clouds had a dark lazy glaze.

The pups started whining, yelping and barking at something close by, it was coming closer as the dogs centralized to a window just beside the door.

I almost jumped out of my skin when the door suddenly opened.

I scrambled up even more, sliding my knees up to my chest, my heart twaddling like a bird's.

All the pups flocked to the feet of a man, or a boy of about sixteen. He responded playfully towards the circle of puppies around him.

He had firewood under one fur clad arm and in the other hand a rope from which about six large fish dangled.

He too didn't even bother looking at me. Making his way towards the fire place with difficulty through the sea of furry bodies trying to get at him. He crouched down, the puppies dispursing at his command.

Stacking the wood into the fire place with one motion he tossed the fish into a bucket of water before rising to his feet and finally looking at me.

No doubt I looked at him with bewildered emotions, my body ready to bolt at any given notion.

He must have seen this because he did not make a move towards me, instead he asked.

“What is your name?”

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