The Backroom Confession

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Jeno twirled the quill around his fingers, the inked object waiting patiently to be put to the sturdy pages in front of him. Ambient music surrounded him and he looked around the fairly empty coffee shop. Save, of course, for the two baristas who were happily chatting behind the counter.

Jeno scrunched his nose and looked at the person who was sitting across from him. The boy with light yet dark blue hair was waiting patiently for his story to begin, a smile on his face that complemented his cute, chubby features.

"How do I go about this?"

"However you usually go about it Jen, I won't interrupt your story. But, you should get your narrative out. It's already been three days."

"Mhm hmm."


Hello, I hope you've not been waiting too long for my  narrative, as regular as I try to keep them.

I won't take up too much of your precious time. So, without as much flare as my friends would like, I will just continue where we left off.

Johnny has confessed his unwavering admiration for the surprised barista, who seems lost for words.


"I like you Moon Taeil."

Johnny felt the words slip out of his mouth before he could pull them back. His lips brush against Taeil's calloused palm, the older boy looking at him with a mix of shock and embarrassment. Johnny's heart beats rapidly against his chest although he tries his best not to show it.

Just what was he doing?

What had possessed him so to make him confessed his unrequited crush that had been festering for months, close to a year. Growing stronger and stronger as the dull pain settled in that he could have ruined everything that had happened between the two.

The spontaneous decision when they had been in their last year of college to open a small business together, new excitement thrumming through their veins.

The opening day of their cafe, The Nestled Nook, and all of their friends showing up to help support and promote the business.

The days that followed. The ups and downs. The good and the bad days.

Then a smooth and steady rhythm as regular customers were established and events began to become a local favorite.

Johnny feels Taeil's hand trembling in his grasp but he feels a semblance of hope as he lets Johnny hold his hand. His cheeks are red and he looks nervous. He seems to be trying to catch his breath, to grasp the right words that are floating just out of his reach.

"I-" Taeil begins and he already has Johnny's undivided attention, just as he's always had it.

"Excuse me!" A shrewd voice sounds from the front of the shop. "Excuse me back there!"

Johnny feels his heart drop and he thinks it shows on his face as Taeil frowns. The younger boy's heart leaps to his throat as Taeil's hand shifts out of his grasp only to cup his cheek lightly, giving him what he hopes is a reassuring smile.

"One second."

Taeil turns and marches to the front of the store, a smile on his face as Johnny watches him address the costumer.

"Yes, hello, I have been waiting for my drink for forever and honestly it's quite-"

"I'm going to stop you right there ma'am," Taeil said, putting his finger out in a shushing motion and Johnny stifles a laugh, "First of all, you can't take the coffee out of expresso. Second of all, I am being confessed to right this very minute so I am fully prepared to give you a refund but please for the love of god do not interrupt me."

The women gives him a baffled look, huffing indignantly and giving Taeil the absolute best glower that she can while she waits impatiently for her refund. Taeil gives a small wave, looks around to see an empty shop and hops over the counter with ease, locking the door and flipping the sign to say closed.

Johnny waits patiently in the back room, his nerves eating him alive as he taps his foot incessantly against the concrete flooring. Taeil slides into view, hand grabbing the edge of the doorway to stop himself from hitting the wall.

"Taeil I-" Johnny starts, not entirely sure what to say but Taeil throws his hand out to stop him, accompanying the action with a 'shh'.

"Heart feels bubbly," Taeil starts and looks pointedly at Johnny as if that explained exactly what his response was to Johnny's statement. "Ugh, no, uh." Taeil stammers out, and throws a hand over his face in embarrassment.

Johnny lets out a low laugh, standing up to walk over to the flustered boy. He gently pries Taeil's hand away from his face and tilts the boy's head up to look at him, his fingers lightly resting underneath Taeil's chin. "Do you like me too?"

Taeil's face turns a darker shade of red as he continues to look into Johnny's amused face, nodding his head to confirm the question.

"Then would you mind if I kissed you?"

Taeil blinks slowly and then bites back a smile as he shakes his head 'no'. No, he wouldn't mind if Johnny kissed him. Johnny grins at the older boy's cuteness, slowly and teasingly leaning towards Taeil's lips. Taeil laughs as Johnny makes funny faces while puckering his lips, the laugh soon being stifled by a sweet kiss.

A moment passed before Johnny pulled back, leaving Taeil wanting for just a bit more. Their smiles were infectious as they looked at each other. It seems as though they couldn't stop the grin from decorating their rosy faces.

"Then, would you like to be my boyfriend?" Taeil asks after another moment, his heart fluttering wildly against his chest as his hands jitter with the adrenaline rush.

"Would you even doubt my response?" Johnny smiles softly, admiration shining clearly through his eyes as he wraps his arm around Taeil's waist. The older looks up at the taller boy. "Of course. It would be my absolute honor to date a boy like you."

Sweet. So very sweet. Taeil hides his head in Johnny's chest which rumbled with laughter.

And as our story is coming to a near close, I cannot help but feel elated at the relationship beginning to bloom.

I apologize. My colleague Donghyuck is shaking his head and calling me 'cheesy'. Well, it's my story not his so he can promptly fuck off.

I hope to see you in two days time, Lee Jeno.


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