A Warm Cup of Coffee

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Hello again everyone, it's your faithful narrator Lee Jeno again and I am sad to announce that after this update, there will only be one more. A sad thing yes, but sad things can be sweet sometimes.

For this update we will resume two days from our two baristas' confessions, both beginning a long and sweet journey in their romantic relationship. I will confess that I am a sap for such stories.

(Sorry he sounds like a such an old man! There's a reason he's no fun (⌐■_■) - Lee Donghyuck)

I'm sorry for the interuption, let's just continue with our narration.


Jeno kicks Donghyuck who is sitting next to him on the bench outside the coffee shop, glaring at the smudged writing that can't be erased from his notebook. Donghyuck whines and protests.


Taeil bumps Johnny with his hip, sending the younger a sly grin as Johnny looks at him, smiling at the playful nature. Johnny turns to one of the customers waiting patiently and hands them their coffee, smiling as he always does. But maybe with a bit more happiness shining through.

"Have a wonderful day!" He wishes happily and the customer smiles back, echoing the well wishes back to the coffee shop owner. Johnny takes a moment to look at the snow carefully floating down outside of the lukewarm, boarding on cold, shop. A finger pokes his side and he looks down, making eye contact with Taeil who was giving him a pointed look.


"Don't get distracted! Go help our other customers," Taeil pokes his side again and Johnny grumbles as the older boy goes to make another order. He looks at a pair of boys standing by the counter and he smiles as he makes his way over to them.

"I'm just saying, if Renjun hadn't-"

"Jaemin you know how it works! I can't do anything about it."

The conversation dies as Johnny moves to stand in front of a familiar black-haired boy and an unfamiliar blue-haired boy. "Hey Mark, it's been a while since you've stopped by." Johnny greets happily and Mark smiles, his cheeks reddening slightly as the other boy raises his eyebrows at him.

"You went here without me?" the blue-haired boy complains and Johnny feels happy that their shop was held in such high regards. Mark mutters a small 'shut up' and holds up his phone, carefully reading off his order just as he had done the last time.

"Then can you please add a peppermint mocha on that order please?" the blue-haired boy pipes in after Johnny had gotten Mark's order, nodding his head as he recites another price for the second drink.

"Under the same name or different?" Johnny asks politely.

"Jaemin, for the peppermint mocha," the blue-haired boy says cheerfully and Johnny laughs slightly at the boy's energy, clearly something that Mark was not too used to. The two boys then walk over to the waiting area, Johnny looking around to see Taeil carefully placing two cookies into their respective wrappers.

He laughs under his breath and walks over to the smaller, hugging him from the back and resting his head on Taeil's head. The smaller boy begins to grumble viciously and Johnny released Taeil, laughing as Taeil turns around with a glare on his face.

"No hugs," he threatens in a small voice, holding out the cookies, "These are for the two boys who just walked in." Johnny takes the two cookies and leans down to kiss Taeil's forehead, causing the older to blush.

"What happened to not giving out freebies?" Johnny teased and back up with a loud laugh as Taeil swung at him, grumbling again. Johnny then quickly got to work making the two drinks with familiar ease. In no time he was sliding the drinks across the counter with the two chocolate chip cookies.

"Oh, uh, we didn't order cookies," Mark says with confusion, ruffling his hair lightly. Jaemin laughs and ruffles Mark's hair too.

"Mark, they're being nice," he says and rushes out a quick 'thank you' followed quickly by an infectious smile. Johnny eyes the two boys with a observing look as they begin to walk away. It wouldn't hurt to ask.

"Mark," he calls out and Mark turns around, blinking innocently as he gestures to himself. Johnny nods and Mark walks back over, leaving Jaemin waiting patiently by the door. "Hey, you know-," Johnny starts, smiling teasingly, "-you've got a really cute boyfriend there. You should bring him around more often."

Marks face flushes a deep red and he begins to stutter, his eyes wide at the assumption. "O-oh, no, no you've got it wrong. He's not, uh, he's not my boyfriend! We're just really good friends!" His voice cracks about halfway through and Johnny can't help but let out a hearty laugh as he makes eye contact with Jaemin who was dying with laughter by the corner. Mark had practically shouted his entire sentence, not realizing how loud he was actually being.

A hand hits the back of Johnny's head and he let out a whine of complaint as he looks back to see Taeil glaring at him with his hands on his hips. "Don't tease the poor boy." Taeil lectures and grabs the back of Johnny's shirt, pulling him away from the stuttering mess that was Mark Lee.

Johnny chuckles to himself as he walks away from the scene that he had just created, watching as Taeil comforts and reassures the boy, handing him another cookie before the pair of boys walked out of the door into the winter cold.

Then Taeil turns around and points at him, squinting his eyes as he marches over, a panicked look coming onto Johnny's face. He puts his hands up in mock surrender.

"Listen it was just a jo-"

Another smack on the back of his head.

"He's one of my favorite customers and if you scare him away I swear to god you'll wish you were never born," Taeil threatens and huff, crossing his arms. Johnny pouts and slids his arms around Taeil, bringing the older into a hug and rubbing his back apologetically.

"Alright Moonie, I promise I won't meddle in other people's love lives," Johnny murmurs and Taeil nods against his chest, his arms moving to wrap around Johnny's torso. "But you can't deny they would make a very cute couple."

"Yes, a very cute couple," Taeil echoes and the two laugh before pulling back, Taeil placing a short kiss on Johnny's jaw before smiling softly. Johnny smiles back and enjoys how Taeil looked like he was memorizing every feature on his face. He truely loved the older boy, in a way he could never love anyone else.

Johnny looks back around the coffee shop, glad that no one else was there as one of their lulls of the day commences. He looks back down. "Want to make a cup of coffee for ourselves."

"Yes," Taeil replies almost immediately and breaks away from the hug to slid over to the coffee machine, "I've been wanting to try this stupid peppermint mocha all day."

And so another day continues for the pair of lovers, stuck together through the cold winter season but warmed by their love and inviting cups of coffee. Another blissful winter is almost to a close, this one a bit more special than the last.

I hope you will all have a wonderful rest of your day and the days to come until we see each other again. Much happiness, Jeno.


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