A Short Conclusion

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The first week of March rolls around and the coffee shop still stays very much a crutial part of the community. Months have passed since we've last seen our baristas.

It seems very bittersweet to me that this is the last time I will record the short story of Johnny and Taeil, two baristas who have to handle a wild and crazy coffee shop but do it extremely well. It has come to my attention that some of you may not know exactly who we are. The ones telling the stories I mean.

For now, you can call all of us Narrators. Personally, I handle real world stories that I have been assigned to. So do a couple of my other collegues. However there are other department and specialties such as stories dealing with the spirits and ghosts of the more spiritual plain. Those would be people like Mark and Jaemin.

It's....difficult for me to explain my job. Just be rest assured that your narrative stories will be recorded to the best of our ability.

(Maybe not Jaemin, he kind of sucks - Mark Lee)

(Shut your ass up Lee, I will not hesitate (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ - Na Jaemin)

(Guys stop, we really shouldn't be writing in Jeno's storybook (✿◡‿◡) - Lee Donghyuck)

I'm sorry again for the interuptions, I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen for the rest of the chapter. Now, back to our two baristas who are "hard" at work.


The shop is decorated in gorgeous bouquets of white and pink hyanciths along with strips of green vine decorating the exterior and corners of the interior. It was very much decorated for the blooming month of spring. All flowers and designs supplied by The Blue Lily of course.

The soft sound of coffee dripping into a cup combines with a smooth jazz  playing in the background. Johnny's experience hands carefully pour the foamed milk into the cup, expertly crafting a heart-shaped design.

He smiles proudly as he places the cup onto the counter with a small 'clink'. "Hey Taeil what do you think?" He asks and looks up at the other who was supposed to be setting up the tables.


"Taeil what the hell do you think you're doing," Johnny groans and resists the urge to jump over the counter and punt the smaller boy. Taeil was frozen in the center of the shop, staring at Johnny with a gulity expression as he stops his previous action of swaying back and forth to the music, using the broom in hand as a microphone.

"Uh, what does it look like I'm doing?" Taeil asks defensively, moving to furiously wipe the floor down, "I'm getting ready for opening of course."

Johnny just rolls his eyes and motions for the older to come over to the counter, handing Taeil the freshly prepared cup of coffee that he had made. "Does it look okay?" He asks and raises his eyebrows just waiting for Taeil's stupid comment.

"It looks like a dick."

"Damn it Taeil!" Johnny shouts, a small laugh coming from his lips before he walks out from behind the counter, moving to hit the older boy who was laughing. Instead of running away, Taeil lunges towards Johnny and wraps his arms around him, holding tightly onto the tall boy.

"Try getting me off now you string bean," he cries out and Johnny lets out a defeated huff, opting to hug the boy who had willingly latched onto him. Johnny grins as Taeil begins to try and wiggles his way out of his strong grip. "Ahaha, you can let go of me now."

He looks up at Johnny with a fake grin, Johnny leaning down to kiss Taeil's forehead. "Oh no, you're the one who started this." Taeil pouts and puckers his lips playfully.

"You missed," he wiggles his eyebrows and closes his eyes, patiently waiting for Johnny to kiss him. Johnny, of course, leans down to comply with Taeil's demands as he always did. Humming happily Taeil tucked his head into Johnny's chest after the much needed kiss.

Johnny stared happily down at the barista nestled tightly against his chest, wishing more than anything to stay in the moment for just a little bit longer before he would have to work. But, as long as he had this coffee shop and Taeil, he would be able to relish in every moment for the rest of his life.

And so our short story of an stressed out barista and an sightly less stressed out barista struggling to run their crazy coffee shop comes to an end.

I hope that I meet you all again in another one of our many stories, it was a pleasure to interact with all of you.

As always, your narrator Lee Jeno, wishes you the best.


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