Chapter 1

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Mim's POV

"No Mum, I don't want to grow up in this household anymore, I'm 18 and I can do what I want!"

"Mariah Willow Ryder, you will not talk to your mother like that!", my father yells back at me.

"Like what Dad? The way you talked to Calum when he didn't score the winning goal in his soccer final or the time where he got an A instead of an A+ in his math finals? Huh Dad?"

"Mariah, don't you dare bring up your brother, he betrayed our family and you are not going to end up like him! Screwed up, lost and is an embarrassment to this family! We do not approve." My mother shouts angrily.

"Well mum I guess I'm an embarrassment to this family because I want OUT! Out of this town, house and especially out of this family!"

I turn on my heel and run to my room. I lock my door and get my suitcase from my wardrobe, go to the back of my closest and pick out my 'normal' clothes, (that my parents don't know I own) and shove everything in.

"What was all that screaming about?" Sage asks, swinging my bedroom door open and standing in the doorway and staring at me as I shove a pair of converse in my bag.

"None of your business" I snap, immediately regretting what just came out of my mouth. "Sorry, Mum and Dad pissed me off again"

"Are you going on one of those overnight trips with your horse again?" She questions, plopping down on the end of my bed.

"No Mere. Im leaving for good, getting out of this house" I sigh, closing the top of my suitcase.

"Your kidding, right?" She chuckles dryly. I shake my head and stand up, shoving multiple supplies in my backpack.

"You can't leave!" She shrieks, jumping up off the bed. Uh oh. I grab my suitcase and shove shoes on my feet, grabbing my phone, backpack and money and going to walk out of the bedroom, only to be stopped by Sage, once again.

"No no, please don't leave Mim. I can't handle living here without out you" Sage says, tears welling in her eyes as I push past her. I put my suit case against the wall and face her, placing my hands on her shoulders and looking into her deep blue eyes.

"Sage, you have to understand, I hate living here and not being able to go and live my life. Most 18 year olds would be going out, partying and meeting boys every weekend but I'm stuck here, wrapped around my Mum and Dads fingers when I could be doing so much more with my life. I hate it here, I have to leave" I say.

"What's going on?" Mere asks, popping her head out of her bedroom door and peeking down the hallway at us.

"Mim's leaving Mere, she's going to leave" Sage cries running towards Meredith.

"What no! Mim don't leave, don't be like Calum and not keep in touch, forget about us all! No Mim your not leaving." Meredith raises her voice obviously annoyed and aggravated with my decision to leave.

"Mere, don't worry I'm not going to loose touch, I'll call every day and I defiantly won't forget you guys, you's are to important to just not remember. I'm just not happy here, I need to get out!" I reply, almost breaking down into tears.

"Okay, Mim. Alright, I think you should go." Meredith reluctantly agrees.

"WHAT? No, Mere you can't let her go", Sage screeches, balling her eyes out for the 2nd time in ten minutes.

"Sage, you know she's not happy here, we have to let her do this!" Mere tries to convince Sage.

"Please", I manage to get out, looking at Sage hopefully.

"Ugh fine, but you have to call me everyday, like everyday, and please please please don't forget us."

"OH MY THANK YOU, Sage! I promise I won't forget you guys and I'll call you all the time!!" I say, not being able to contain my excitement!

I give them both a massive hug and we say our goodbyes. I am gonna miss them so much but I needed to leave!

"Guys I have to go before mum and dad know what I'm up to."

"Okay, but remember to ca-"

"Yes I know, I will call you's!" I cut Mere off.

I give them one last hug, grab my bags, sneak downstairs and out the front door. I walk to our nearest train station and wait for a train to the airport.

This is it, I'm finally getting out, and I couldn't be happier!

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