Chapter 2

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Mim's POV

Here I stood at the Sydney airport, standing in line to buy a ticket to LA. I got my ticket and went and found a seat in the waiting area.

I checked that I had all my stuff and and started for the cue to get on the plane. I was busy texting Sage when I ran into a brick wall? Wait no that was a human.

"Oh My God, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going and I'm so sorry-" I ramble on, looking up to see a tall blonde guy looking down at me. He's quite attractive might I add.

"It's alright, not your fault, completely mine!" He chuckles, holding out his hand for me to shake.

"Um uh, I'm um-m" I couldn't get my words out looking into his piercing blue eyes.

He chuckles once again and says "Im Luke"

"Right, I'm Mariah but you can call me Mim" I smile.

"Mim? How did that come about" he asks curiously.

"Um well my older brother called me Mim when he was younger and it just stuck, I guess." I reply shyly tucking my blonde hair behind my ear.

"Well Mim, I have to go catch a plane but ill see you around" he winked and with that he was gone.

I was a little confused by what he was trying to imply when he said I'll see you around but I just shrugged it off when I heard the calling for my flight.

I went through the line slowly finally making it on the plane. I found my seat, put my luggage in the overhead storage and sat down. I was next to the window with a spare seat next to me. I put my head phones in and waited for takeoff.

I was on my laptop when a slightly familiar voice spoke up.

"Well well well, look who it is."

I looked up and their was the boy with piercing blue eyes, Luke.

"What are stalking me or something now" I asked with a slight laugh.

"No, but maybe it's fate, you and I. I mean its the second time we've 'run' into each other in ten minutes." He answered, in a tone that I couldn't tell if he was serious or not.

"Maybe," I replied "but I think I'll go with your stalking me" I smile up at him. "So are you going to stand there for the whole flight or are you going to sit down?" I question. 

"Oh right, um yeah, right yes," he stammers as I laugh at his awkwardness.

He takes a seat and gets comfortable. He looks at me with a slight smile, " so tell me about yourself, 20 questions?"

"Sure! Okay ask me first" I say getting a little excited for no reason.

"Alright, siblings?"

"Yep 2 sisters and a brother"

"Dream career?"

"Photographer, I like capturing moments to be remembered forever"

The questions went on until the last one,

"What brings you to LA?"

"Um running away from home...? B-but before you think I'm crazy I'm 18 so I can and my parents are absolutely mental!"

"Haha okay, your turn to ask me now" Luke chuckles and waits for me to reply. 


"For my band to become famous"

"Your in a band?"

"Yeah but we kind of suck"

I kept asking and he kept answering.

"Okay number 19, why are you going to LA?"

"It's where I live,  I was just visiting my family back in Australia"

"Nice and the last question is... If you could eat anything and not get fat what would it be?"

"Definitely potatoes, LOL"  he bursts our laughing thinking its the funniest thing in the world.

"No no, don't say that just no, stop" my eyes narrow looking at him like he's insane.

"What, why its funny LOL" he giggles to himself.

I death glare him and roll my eyes, this is gonna be a long flight.

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