The Dry Well

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The girl picked up her bucket and off she went to fill water from the nearby well. She loved the cool water from this well. The sweet taste filled her with happiness which she could never explain. Every day she would come to this well, fill water in her bucket, drink a lot of water and sit under the tree nearby and enjoy the sunshine for some time and listen to the birds chirping.
Years passed by and then she realized that the taste of the water from the well has changed. She still took water from the well itself. Somehow she felt that the water from this well give her life and energy. Her neighbors also realized that the water from this well had turned different and they started going to a different well which had freshwater. But still the girl wouldn't do so. "My lifeline", she would call it, remembering that this was the well which saved her from thirst few years ago. One day as usual she went up to the well to draw water and she could not get fresh water out at all. A passerby said, "that well dried up long ago, what are you trying to get out of it?". She looked at it, felt sad and kept thinking how this happened. Meanwhile, her friend saw her and pulled her to a different well.
She quietly drew water and fill her bucket while her friend and a group of women chitchatted. After some time with so many thoughts in her head, she felt exhausted and thirsty. She drank some water that she drew from the new well.
"Wow", she thought, this is the same sweet taste that the water from the earlier well had years back.

Afterword: Attachment to your world is good, but too much attachment keeps you away from finding or creating a better world. Relationships with a few people turn different over the years. After some time these people are like dried up wells and have nothing to give except bad water; it's always better to detach and move to another important things or people in life, otherwise one mind end up drinking bad water and toxifying one's life.

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