Chapter Ten Defeated

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I search for Storm, but the whole world has shifted to endless water and air. I open my mouth to call to him, but I instantly choke on water cascading down from above. I don't know what is up or what is down, but I am most terrified by my lack of knowledge of Storm's predicament.
We hit the water below, the wind is knocked out of me as I kick at the water, pushing it aside so I can get out of the crushing mass. My head breaks free and as my head clears I look for Storm, more fear grips me as I cannot see him.
"Storm." I rasp, but I know he won't be able to hear me. He must still be under, I take a deep breath and dive down. I see him he is at the bottom of the small lake.

My eyes widen with terror as I burrow down in the water searching for him with my front legs. I find his mass and I grab his mane in my teeth and pull his limp form up. His eyes flash open and instinct takes over as he uses my body to launch himself up. I crumple to the lake bed. But I refuse to give up. I kick off to and within seconds my head breaks the surface.

I let in a huge inhale having exhaled on my way up from the bottom. As soon as I can speak I say,"Storm." He is struggling to keep his head above the water. I swim to him and he puts his forelegs and head on my back. His weight is pressing me down and my shoulder injury screams in protest as I fight the water to get to land. But, I have mustang blood running in my veins and I fight my way to the bank. Resting Storm down my legs trembling after non-stop exertion. I look at my shoulder and as the rush of the chase fades the pain comes. Only muscle tissue damage, it will heal.

I turn my attention to Storm and my heart drops. His eyes are closed and his breath is heavy. He doesn't even have the strength to lift his head. I lower my head and push his farther up the bank but he lifts his head and nickers,
"Thank you so much Lila, you're amazing."
"Any time, now you just hang in there Owl's Call will come and help you."
He nods and licks my cheek, but his neck muscles tremble and his head falls into the water. I scoop his muzzle up with mine and rest it on the bank. "Easy just rest, I won't let anyone hurt you."
"They already have." He whispers dark eyes close.
I lay down next to him, since just his legs are in the water and I can't move him without hurting him even more I lay with my legs tucked under my belly against his back. I put my head under his and slide it so he is resting on my neck and my head wraps over to his shoulder.

My shoulder isn't bleeding anymore. The wound was no more than half an inch deep but there are splinters in it from the many spikes on the log. Storm falls asleep almost at once, his breathing slowing but steady.

I stay up all night by this river bank, hoping, praying that somehow he will be okay. All I can think is, not Storm too, I have lost everything don't take him away from me. The beautiful starry night sky is filled with smoke from the dying fires set by the Bees. My pelt is drying and so is Storms, but even in his sleep he shakes slightly. I cannot bring myself to join him, I must keep watch no matter how hard it is to keep my heavy eyelids open. No matter how insistent sleep is when it whispers my name.

The sun is nearly visible, the sky is still dark but there is pink in the horizon. The whistling of Worker Bees ring in my ears and I rest Storm's head on the ground gently and turned mine sharply to face the Worker Bees. They have ropes and I think, Oh really? Could this get any worse? They whistle again and rough ropes grip my neck and another joins it. Soon I am forced from Storm's side, pulled by my neck. I fight with all I have left, I lift my head and plant my hooves firmly in the ground. There is still little effort as the five horses drag me away. I hear Storm now, his voice is weak but he gives me the strength to turn to him,
"Lila, why are you leaving?"
"Storm, they're taking me, stay strong. Don't give in Owl's Call will help you fight." I say and press my muzzle against his and they jerk me away.

One horse leans forward with another rope, but the leader of the Worker Bees says in his language,
"The stallion isn't worth the trouble. He isn't long for this world, that's a nasty shoulder gunshot wound. Probably didn't get a heart or lung, but he is too weak for the army." The horse retreats and puts a fourth rope around my neck, but there is no need. I am defeated. They have finally taken away my fight. They have taken my home, my best friend, my family, my herd, and now my mate, finally they have taken my fight. They click at me and I register my name, Mustang, come from one with blond face hair. He pats my shoulder blade right on the spot were Alita and Thunder comforted me and it just hurts so much, he could have shot me and it would have done the same damage only physically instead of mentally.

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