The day I met One Direction (part two) and Movie?

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(Continuation of Part One......still Jane's POV)

''So....guys.'' Louis smiled at the five guys infront of us. Well, here we are, on the...not-so-clean living room, sitting on the couch. After seeing the two shirtless guys, yeah the Harry guy and the blonde guy, Louis scolded the others...and told them to wear a shirt on. Woah, I can't imagine if they just have a random visitor, I wonder if the visitor can go home with her eyes not damaged. -_-

''This is Jane, my sister.'' he introduced me, making me back to senses. I smiled naturally at the four guys infront of me, even though I wanted to just roll my eyes at them. Woah, don't blame me, it's not that awkward being the only girl here!! -_- And...having those bad impressions on them because of that Harry Guy and blondie guy.

''Hello Jane.'' they said in unison, lookng uninterested. Except the Harry guy, who keeps smiling at me since I stepped inside the room.

''Hello.'' I smiled, forced and fake.

''Well, I'll leave my sister here for a while okay? I'm gonna cook breakfast.'' he said, smiling at us.

''Whuuuut? Are you serious?'' I whispered, being the stubborn kid as I am.

He just ignored me and went straight to the kitchen. Okay, what do I do? what do I do?

I looked up, seeing the four guys staring at me. Oh please, don't stare at me like that!!

Harry guy suddenly coughed and smiled. ''Um, you like some pop corns?'' he offered, getting the pop corn from the tiny table there. 

''No way! That's mine!'' the blonde guy argued, getting the pop corns.

''Vas Happenin' guys, look Niall, atleast consider a visitor.'' said a muslim-looking cute guy. Wait, what?

''Yeah, I mean didn't Louis said that his sister's a bit stubborn?'' a typical guy beside the blondie guy whispered. What did I just heard? Did I just hear Louis telling them I was stubborn.

I suddenly had the courage to speak myself up. ''What?!'' I scoffed.

''Ah...nothing.'' he smiled at me, and stole the pop corn from the blonde guy. '' you like some pop corns?'' he smiled sweetly.


''How, foods from nandos?'' the blondie guy said.


''How flashing toothbrush?'' the guy asked again. What the...flashing toothbrush? What the heck is that!?

I looked at him weirdly and spoke again. ''No.''

''How about...some shaved-potatoes and avocadoes?'' the muslim-looking guy asked, taking out the two fruits that has a bite already. What the...these guys must be crazy. They are offering me some crazy things.

''N-no.'' I smiled politely.

'' about if we just listen to some songs?'' the Harry guy, said, glaring at those other guys, then smiled at me. Wow, at last....some normal things to do.

''Sure.'' I nodded. Then he smiled, as he went to the CD-player and inserted a CD of course.

Then I suddenly heard songs from X-Factor.

''Oh my, I'm loving my voice!!'' one of them suddenly cheered and sang with the music.

W-wait....his voice? Did he mean.....WAIT WHAT?

''Isn't that a song from X-Factor?'' I asked.

''Yeah.'' Harry smiled. Wow, this guy likes smiling.

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