Chapter ~ 15

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"Right well where's my room?" Wendy ordered.
I laughed mentally and a couple guys laughed out loud. I was sensing some of them hated whoever Peter hated.
Peter smiled at her with his childishness and lead her through the door in the tree.
I followed after murmuring something to myself.
"What do you mean I'm sleeping on a couch?!" Wendy yelled.
"Well tomorrow you can go find your own tree to hollow out but until then you will be sleeping here" Peter replied smartly throwing a rug at her.
She frowned deeply and then put on a sickly sweet voice.
"What about that bunk?" She said pointing at my bunk.
"Actually sure you can sleep in that bunk but not forever ok?" He said just wanting to shut her up.
"Got it" she smiled smugly to herself, obviously used to getting her own way.
When Peter and I retreated to his room he turned to me and scratched the back of his neck.
"So about last night..." he started then suddenly stopped.
"Was- was it bad or..." I asked awkwardly trying to stop the silence.
"No no it wasn't bad at-at all actually" he said shuffling his feet.
"Was it bad for you or something?" He asked concerned.
"No not at all" I smiled locking his eyes with his.
"Good" he laughed.
And I did what I had been aching to do all day. I didn't kiss him or anything I just hugged him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and just stood their doing the same and we both just stood their in each other's embrace.
We eventually crawled into bed and locked our selves together again, my thoughts about Wendy flew out of my head as he stroked my shoulder unconsciously slowly making me drift to sleep.

I woke in the morning with a hard pillow under my head I moved and dragged my nose on it only to realise that it was Peters bare chest.
"Mmmmm" he grumbled still asleep.
Wait when did he take his shirt off?
I smiled up at his face taking in every minuscule space on it, like it was the last time I would ever see it.
He arms were still wrapped around me securely so I carefully squiggled out of them and tip toed out of the room.
I immediately came face to face with Wendy.
"Woah" I said in suppose.
"Yeah woah" she said grumpily.
"Jeesh you got up on the wrong side of the bed" I chuckled.
"Ugh whatever" still not improving her attitude. "So what's your big secret?"
"Huh, what secret?" I asked confused.
"Don't pretend, you know exactly what I'm talking about tell me I order you to tell me!" She yelled
All the boys turned and watched us.
I exploded, this was exactly how people treated me at my palace.
"You can never order me around here, nobody tells me what to do any more! Does this look like my palace hell no this is Neverland and you don't belong here and the sooner everybody realised this the better!" I yelled back.
"You bitch! Who are you to tell me what to do your the one that ran away from home to this dump because you couldn't take criticism!" she yelled.
She was asking me to plunge my fist in her face so that's exactly what I did.
Her nose was bleeding and so she pulled my hair and started stretching and crying.
All this noise obviously woke Peter up because he came out looking alarmed.
"What's going on here?!"
By know me and Wendy were rolling on the floor.
Slightly ran towards me and held me back.
"No let go!" I yelled trying to pull away and land another fist in her face.
But he could easily hold me back with one hand.
I calmed down quickly and saw that Dallas had taken hold of Wendy.
I tried to meet his eyes but every time I tried he would look at the floor.

Slightly led me out of the underground house and we sat down on the log. he got up and came back 5 minutes later with a wet towel and a bucket. he carefully started dabbing the wounds on my face that Wendy's fake nails had left.
"You didn't know what she was talking about did you?" It wasn't a question.
"Do you?"
"I suppose it was what she was talking about before you came out" he shrugged.
"Which was?" I questioned
"Well apparently back on Earth" he paused "don't freak ok?"
"What is it?" I said promising nothing.
"Mel how long do you think you've been here for?"
"What does that have to do with- "
He cut me off "just answer"
"Ummm I don't know 10 days?" I guessed
"10" he answered.
"10 days?" I asked again confused.
"Mel, you've been here for 10 years".

owwwwwww very dramatic chapter probably the most dramatic so far :D
Hope you enjoyed!
Remember to comment, vote and keep reading no matter how slow my updates haha.
~ Savvy xox

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