Chapter 9

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I walk out of the school building and start making my way home.

"Dallas!! Wait up man!" Marshall yells out while running after me.

I mentally face palm.

I stop and wait for him.

"Damn you walk fast" he pants out.

I continue and he walks along this time.

"So what's up with you and Liyana?"

I sigh,"There is nothing going on, she's not even a friend."

"But why, she seems cool" Marshall whines.

"She's not, she's loud and ignorant" I say.

"You're exaggerating" he says.

I shrug.

"Does this have to do with your 'hatred for girls'?" He says using quotations with his fingers.

"I don't hate girls" I roll my eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry, I mean physical contact from a female species." he chuckles.

"Shut the fuck up, I don't hate girls." I growl.

"Look man I understand that you went through something tough, I really do, but you can't let that mess up and dictate your future." He says while patting my back.

I sigh.

"I get it" I say before I make way in front of my front door.

We walk in and walk to the kitchen.

"What's up Mr. W" he shouts out.

"Heyyyy M-doggg" my dad runs over and put Marshall into a head lock.

"Can't..breathe.." Marshall wheezes out.

"I'm sorry for being Mr. Grouch, can we be friends?"

My face remains straight.

"I'm not saying that" I say.

Marshall groans out.

"Come onnn!" I shake my head no.

"Well you're going to have to because they she goes" Marshall says then shoves me.

"Wait what!" I growl.

"May I help you sir?" Liyana says with a blank face.

My heart starts pounding. Shit what do I say?!! I'm not good with talking.

"I'm sorry for being rude to you," I growl "would you like to push this all behind and try to get along?" I finish.

Wooooo that wasn't so hard.

She looks at me weirdly, "Are you on something? Are you feeling ok? I got some medicine in my car, do you need some?" She questions.

"Um, no" I say.

"Oh I thought you said that you wanted to be friends, I'm sorry I'm probably hearing thi-"

I cut her off.

"I did" I say deadpan.

She bucks her head back with a shocked look on her face.

Is this that much of a surprise?

"I-I- umm sure" she says.

I stiffly nod my head and walk away.


I'm shocked.

I turn to look  at Dallas, his head is facing his table and his hands are in his pockets.

I then back around and start doodling in my notebook.

I shiver.

I look up and see that I'm right below the vent.

Dammit where is my Max when I need him.(*Cough Cough* Shark Boy and Lava Girl)

I put my arms in my sleeves enough to be able to still doodle.

I then feel something being draped across my shoulders.

I look down to see a jacket and not just any jacket, Dallas' jacket.

"Oh you didn't have to, here" I say while trying to take it off, but forget that my arms are still trapped in my shirt.

The jacket falls off and all you see is part of my back being exposed to Dallas.

I hurriedly pull my shirt down and grab the jacket.

"You know what, I'm just gonna put it back on" I slightly  chuckle at my stupidity.

I peek at Dallas to see his eyes wide and his mouth parted a little.

"Um you're good." He says while looking away with pink cheeks.

Hiyaaa, how'd you like seeing from Dallas' point of view??

A friend gave me some ideas to do it and I was like why not just do it you know!

I hope y'all like this chapter, stay tuned for more!!☺️

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