Was this a Good idea?

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Beeeep Beepppp Beeeeep Beeee- "Ugh...What time is it?" (Y/N) asked the Air. They Checked the Clock "10:50...okay, i have about an two hours to Get Ready." (Y/N) thought as they stood up and Stretched. (Y/N) Headed to the Bathroom.
*After you took a shower and Put One Outfit on
(Y/N) Hurried down the Stairs to the Living Room and in to the Kitchen to Eat Breakfast. "11:20... all right" "Wallet,Phone,Pocket Knife......KEYS,Um there!" (Y/N) Said Checking if they had Everythin they needed.

*After You went to the Monster and Human Grocery Shop
Ding... A Rabbit Monster looked up from her Counter „Ah! Hello and Welcome in Care-O-Bitty!„ The Rabbit Lady said happily while she Walked out From the Counter. „What are you looking for?„ She asked "Bittys" „Ah! Yes ofcourse,this way please„The Rabbit Lady Said to (Y/N) as she walked towards Big Yellow and Blue Doors."I don't Trust this"(Y/N) thought to themself as they Followed the Rabbit.The Rabbit Lady Pushed Open the Doors to Reavel, A Sort of Jungle Gym Filled with Bitty!Blueberrys,Bitty!Dreams and Bitty!Inks and a Another Set Of Doors this time they Were Black an Red. You were yanked out of your thoughts by The Rabbit Lady „Hello? Are you okay?„ "What is behind Those Doors?" (Y/N) said pointing at the Doors „oh... Just some Troublemakers„ "May i see?" „fine„ walking to the doors " "Uh NOT YOU AGAIN!" „WHAT NO„The Rabbit Lady Yelled At the Yellow Eyed Floating Bitty Grabbing it Forcefully and Stuff it in a small Black Contaner with a Glass Window "HANDS OFF HIM NOW BITCH" A Goopy Bitty Yelled at the Rabbit."!? WHAT THE FUCK" he yelled at you as you took a look in there Cage.You chould see Four Other, You felt sorry for them. „So? Which Bitty do You Want?„ "These Six" „WHAT„ "...Us?" "Yeah" „Um Alright Then,You can go to the Store Part of the Store and Get Clothing And toys etc... For them i'll bring them in Front„"Thank you"

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