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Heejin's (Rose) POV

I slept awfully in a parking lot so I wouldn't get wet if it rained. There was no one here so I didn't have to watch out for that. I decided it was time to take revenge. If I'm not able to find my foster dad, I can find Mr.Lee. I don't know how I can lure him though. He's never seen in the KAOI building, I need to find his weaknesses fast, get him where it would look like it wasn't particularly me. If he killed my mom... he deserves to die too. Whether she really is dead or not, it's still his fault this happened. If I ever find my dad, he's going to have it coming for him. I also have to somehow get my real dad out of prison. Kim Heejin, I can't believe it. My whole life I've been lied to, living on the streets, abused, and overall just used. Trying to make something out of me that I am not. And they'll pay for everything... Haeun also didn't deserve to die like that. I wasn't even going to cry about it anymore. For now I will try to figure out what to do to lure Mr.Lee out but I have to find a warmer place to stay. I think I know exactly where to go.

I knocked on the door and Jun opened with a surprised face. "Underboss?" Jun asked me with a chuckle. That's right, I've been here a few times in the last 2 years to see how this place was doing. "Can I come in?" I asked. He moved aside and let me walk in. "What happened? You look like you've had a rough few days," Jun noticed. "I am sort of homeless, I don't really wanna explain if you're alright with that. I just wanted to ask if I can stay here until I am going to leave the country," I said. "You're leaving? Where do you plan on going?" Jun asked. I stayed quiet since I wasn't sure if I should tell him or not. Taeyang knows of his friendship with me so it might get him in trouble. "You know you can trust me right? I won't tell anyone, not even Taeyang," Jun said. "I know I can trust you, It's just that I don't wanna bring you into any trouble," I said. "Then give me the continent at least," Jun said as he handed me a cup of tea. "Europe," I simply told him. "Oh really? I did not expect that," Jun said.

I drank my cup of tea as Jun was carefully examining me. He grabbed my left arm and I hissed. "Your left arm is hurt," Jun said. "I slept in a parking lot on my left side for the whole night. It's fine though. Within a few it should be fixed," I said. "Fine, do you need anything else other than a place to stay for now?" Jun asked me. "A gun with a silencer on it," I said and looked at him with the most serious face ever. "You're joking right?" Jun asked me. "No, does it look like I am?" I asked. "Fine, who are you planning to kill?" Jun asked. "Taeyang," I said while trying to hold in my laughter. "WHAT?!" He yelled. "Chill, I'm joking. I'm not going to tell you. Those people will never let you go if you really know something," I said. "You really don't feel like telling me anything do you?" Jun asked. "Not really," I said.

Taeyang's POV

"If we just deploy teams here, here and here. Those are the places she could've been. If we put these teams here she has nowhere to go," I said. "Yes sir," One of them said and they all ran out. I sat back down until Hwiyoung and Rowoon came in. "There is someone here for you," Hwiyoung said. "And who might that be?" I asked and as I did, my brother came walking into the room. I stood up as soon as I could and we just stared at each other from the opposite sides of the office.

"Long time no see brother," He said. "Why? How? When?" I just asked. "I landed 3 hours ago. You know, handling our father's death because you killed him was a hassle," He said. "It must've been. There's no doubt," I said. "Well he's also not our dad, but I sure as hell hope you're gonna lead this gang better," He said with a smile and came walking towards me. We hugged each other. "Good to see you," He said. "Good to see you too Kihyun," I said. "Where is your girl? Last time I met her was so short, I was hoping I could talk to her some more," Kihyun said. "She betrayed me and ran. We're after her as we speak," I said as I sat back down once again. "She sure has the balls," Kihyun said. "She does... but-" I said. "You still love her but you don't know what to do?" Kihyun asked me. "No, I don't love her, not anymore. But I'm just not done talking to her yet," I said. "What can I do to help?" He asked. I thought about it.

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