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Heejin's POV

Just when I was about to get grabbed, the unexpected happened. A car drove full speed into the garage behind me so all the men including Dawon and Jaeyoon jumped aside. An AK-47 hung out the window and started shooting at the black cars. One of the back doors opened and I jumped in. The car immediately moved, full speed out of the garage. "Are you okay?" The driver asked me. "Sure am, thank you," I said. "Wait, that voice is familiar. I know you!" She said as she looked in the mirror. I climbed into the front seat and looked at her.

"Jennie?" I asked. "You were the girl I met on the boat? You asked me to save your ass... well guess that's kinda my thing now," She said. "Yea, sorry about that. Do you have a gun for me? We've got company," I said. She handed me her AK-47 so I opened the roof window and shot one of the drivers. That's when they knew that we knew that they were behind us. "We ain't dying today," I said and aimed outside again. I looked for the front wheel and shot. That's one flat tire... 6 more to flatten. I shot two others until the gun was out of ammo. "Sh*t," I cursed. "What's wrong?" Jennie asked me. "Nothing, uhm, we're out of ammo," I said. "Ai. Okay, do you trust me?" She asked as I came back to sit in the front seat. "Yes, you saved my dumb*ss. I have no reason not to trust you," I said. "Alright," She said and drove onto the highway.

Well, I didn't think women could drive, but she sure as hell can. All of a sudden we heard a thud above us. "I think someone jumped on our car," Jennie explained. I sighed and climbed out the window onto the roof of the car. I grabbed my belt and with it, I tied my foot to the car so I couldn't fall off. "You have to come with me Rose," The man said. "Why?" I asked. "Because Taeyang would like to see you," He said. "Who does he want to see? Say her name," I said. He looked at me confused as to why I was asking these dumb questions. "Rose," He said. "See that's the problem. I'm not his Rose anymore and my name is Heejin," I said, knowing I would kill him soon. "You're name is what?" He asked. "If you survive, tell him my name is Kim Heejin," I said and smiled. With my foot that was not tied I kicked the man off of the car with full force. Jennie however made a sharp turn to avoid some other cars. I fell to the side and was now hanging from the car by my belt. I looked inside the car. "Really?!" I yelled. "Sorry," She smiled.

"We have to jump soon!" Jennie yelled. My head snapped towards her. "WHAT!? ARE YOU INSANE?!" I yelled. I looked ahead, roadblock. They were shooting at us and they hit me in my shoulder. "F*CKKKKKKK," I yelled. "Sh*t, what happened?" Jennie asked. "They shot me," I said. "You can't jump now can you?" She asked. "We don't have a choice," I said and got onto the car and untied my foot. Jennie was getting ready by hanging out of the car. She looked at me and nodded. We both jumped off of the highway into a river and as we landed, we heard our car follow.

Taeyang's POV

"She got away again," Jaeyoon said. I sighed and looked at the mess. "Where is the person who got kicked?" I asked. Jaeyoon led the way. I looked at the man in annoyance and kneeled. "Where is she?" I asked. "I-Don't know," He said with a lot of pain. "I hope you do have some good news for me," I said while looking at him directly. He nodded. "Ro-Rose... not her.. name," He said. "What?" I asked. "Rose is not her name... any-more," He said. "What do you mean by this?" I asked. He got up while he was bleeding and grabbed a piece of paper.

He started drawing an H with his blood and then 2 E's. He was struggling to write anymore. "Go on!" I said impatiently. His finger went up to the paper again but he couldn't force another letter. Jaeyoon checked his pulse. "He died," Jaeyoon announced. "Aish!" I said. "Sir-" "I don't care, find her," I said. "That's not it, I'm afraid one of your men shot her," He said. My head turned. "Where is he?" I asked. The man pointed to a car.

I stormed to the car and opened the door. The man looked terrified of me and he should be. "WHERE DID YOU SHOOT HER?!" I asked. "On- th-the highw-way sir," He trembled in fear. "NO, WHERE DID YOU HIT HER?!" I yelled. "I'm not s-sure sir," He said. "Get out, now!" I said. He got out of the car. "Do you know what happens to people who don't listen?" I asked him as Zuho already walked towards me with my gun. The man sighed and got on his knees and looked down. I grabbed my gun from Zuho and aimed. "Look up," I ordered him. He looked up slowly, right into the barrel of my gun. "Think carefully cause it may save your life," I said. He knew what I meant.

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