To be loved - Chapter 6

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I pushed chloe behind me in a protective stance because even though they are in the same pack she could be caught in the cross fire. I checked to see if she was okay and she nodded at me telling me that everything was going to work out. But was it, was it really there was only one way this could go and it would be to fight while showing everyone the
monster I truly was....

I chose not to let out my scent instead I was going to show them my demon side  my eyes immediately turned red and I stepped forward to then release my gorgeous black wings all of them where shocked and confused especially that I was still hiding my scent but that didnt stop them from attacking; seven of them lunged at me trying to attack my wings so I quickly dodged there movements while closing my eyes and focusing on my hands and the power I wanted surge through them I slowly opened my eyes to reveal that I had a big beautiful ball of hell fire in my hands.

I chose not to let out my scent instead I was going to show them my demon side  my eyes immediately turned red and I stepped forward to then release my gorgeous black wings all of them where shocked and confused especially that I was still hiding ...

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I quickly pushed the energy towards the wolves and saw the big ball of flames hit them, they immediately set on fire there yelps and whimpers peirced the air.
I quickly ran at them and swung my wings in there direction so they flew forcefully into a tree, there bodies fell limp on the ground,
they were dead.
Suddenly a big grey wolf stepped forward carrying clothes within his jaws, soon enough bones were cracking and moving around till he was human I turned around to give him privacy as he changed but it was also to check if chloe was okay but as soon as I looked at her she mouthed at me "You have some serious explaining to do" I just nodded at her and turned back around to face the man stood before me, I was shocked at who I saw was there.
It was the principal......

"Alessandra its nice to see you again" he said awkwardly
I saw I was in no harm so I quickly transformed back to myself
weirdly I saw this man as no threat.
"You too sir" I said while smirking others around us were growling getting confused by the nice chat we were having.
"I'm sorry I sprung this on you I was just making sure you weren't something else" he said while rubbing the back of his neck.
"You were making sure I wasnt a werewolf, werent you" I said smirking.
"I'm truly sorry for my actions" he said
"How do you know I'm not a werewolf?" I ask genuinely curious to find out why he was assuming I wasn't.
"Erm.... there hasn't been a record of a demon and a wolf hybrid before apart from one....." he said hesitantly.
"Time stand still let who I wish break through this barrier time stand still" I whispered ever so quietly so now the only people who could move talk and hear were chloe and the principal and me.
"What was that for?" He asked
"So they can't hear me speak, or see what I show you I feel like I can trust you both so I'll show you what's needed"
"What the hell is going on Alessa why can you do spells your a werewolf but why are you a demon too what the fuck is happening?"
"Wait a minute your a werewolf too what the hell?"
"Will you both shut up and let me explain?"
They both nodded there heads sheepishly at me and chloe came and stood next to the principal.
"May I?" I said but they both looked at me confused so I just rolled my eyes and took a step back my bones were breaking and shifting my clothes were shredding and after a couple of seconds I stood in my wolf form, I was much bigger in my wolf form bigger than most Alphas but I tried to make myself look less scary towards them I looked at them and they both gasped they knew I was The demon wolf the one that found a mate that wanted to kill her after finding out what she was, the one that lost her child, the one that fled from the pack after her freinds were slaughtered for trying to hide her and keep her safe. They knew it all apart from one tiny little detail, which I was going to tell them right after I changed back, I went up to them and nudged chloe she knew what i needed right away and magically summond some clothes for me to wear I grabbed them with my canines and walked to the back of a tree and turned back before getting changed.
"Theres still something you need to know" I said.
"What is it Alessa?" Chloe asked, sympathy written all over her face god I hated pity.
"Well first stop looking at me like I'm made of glass I'm perfectly fine, okay" she just nodded at me while the principal gave me a smile.
"What else did you want to tell us little one?" The principal said I rolled my eyes and laughed at the nickname he called me, it was something my foster brother used to call me, he was the only one who loved me from that family and I miss him to bits but he's never coming back, I took in a deep breath and sighed.
"Well.... erm please dont see me any differently" I said nervously.
"I would never see you any differently your like my sister and I havent even known you a day" chloe said, I smiled at her kindness and continued.
"Myparentsarethedevilandthemoongoddess." I said extremely quickly and quietly.
"Your gonna need to speak up and slow down a bit there little one" the principal said.
"Im the daughter of the devil and the moon goddess" I said slowly while shutting my eyes.
I slowly opened them when they borh hugged me.
"Erm..." I said cautiously, they both smiled at me and chloe said
"Lucifer came to us in a dream, not gonna lie he is the most intimidating man I have ever met"
"Wait what? What did he tell you?" I said
"He said he would come to visit you in a weeks time and that he cant wait to finally meet his daughter"
"What stopped him from doing it before?" I ask suspiciously.
They both shrugged I was getting angry what if I dont want to see him he's never been there for me I've managed just fine on my own with out him.
"But he did say, before you get angry, he said that he is truly sorry that everytime you were upset and alone he couldn't hold you and tell you everything would be okay and he is sorry that it seemed like he never cared, but he cares, deeply and wants to kill anyone that ever hurt you." The principal said
On that part I laughed/cried that's the only thing I've ever wanted, for my parents to be there for me.
"He said one final thing that he loves you so bloody much and can not wait to finally meet his beautiful daughter." Chloe said while smiling, my dad was the first person ever to say he loved me and to me, that meant everything.

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