Jughead saves Betty

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This is based on if Jughead saved Betty from the SOQM back in season 3, since the writers robbed us on that type of storyline😠😠😠 anyways, enjoy.

ANOTHER NOTE; Jughead didn't leave Riverdale with Archie in this one, in case you get confused.

Jughead's POV.

Since it was Monday I decided to walk Betty to school. I've tried calling her for the past 24 hours but she hasn't answered, it never really got to me. As I was walking up the stairs towards the house, everything looked wrecked outside. The plant pots were tipped over, it was a mess. I knocked on the door and no one answered. I tried again a few times and there was still no answer. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I then decided to head over to Archies since he does live opposite Betty. I knocked on his door, he answered. "Jughead, what's up bro?" He said while moving out the way and telling me to come in. "I'm worried about Betty" He gave me a confused look. "We were with her Saturday afternoon, I'm sure she's fine." He said while opening the fridge. I sat down, "No, this isn't something Betty would do. If there was something wrong she would immediately come to me. Something seems... Off." I said as Archie handed me a plate of toast. "Well, if it helps with your little inveteration, I did hear a lot of doors slamming around Saturday night." Archie said with a mouth full of toast. I slowly looked up at him. "You fucking idiot." I said, angrily. "Why didn't you say or do anything?!" "I didn't think anything of it I-" He said before I cut him off. "Save it ginger, I know exactly where she is. Call Cheryl and Veronica now." Archie nodded.

30 minutes later...
"The sisters of quiet mercy" I mumbled while reading the article. "The sisters? Why would Betty be there? It's for those gay education camps and I would know because my mom sent me there." Cheryl said, saying the last part quicker. Veronica kisses the top of Cheryls head and put her arm around her. "I'm guessing it's not just for that, there must be different type of things there." I said while looking at the screen. "I do have CCTV, maybe we can check that." Archie said. We all slowly turn at Archie with a confused look. "Why didn't you tell us this sooner you ass" Veronica said. "Well, go get the footage, now!" I said. Archie ran off to get the footage. I shook my head, "And Mr. Honey is letting him graduate?" I said sarcastically to the girls. They chuckled and shrugged.

The footage showed Betty being dragged out of her house by two men and being shoved in the back of the van, my poor baby. I shook my head. "This is disgusting" Veronica said. "Agreed, we have to go and save her, right?" Cheryl said. "Well yeah, of course we are, but first I need backup. We are storming that place and we aren't leaving until we find her, understood?" They nodded. I stood up and walked towards the door. "You guys stay here and try and find more information, I'll be back ASAP." I said while putting my shoes on. They nodded and I walked out the door.

Bettys POV.

I've been in this hell hole for over a day, its a nightmare. All of these girls are insane! They're high of their heads with fizzle rocks, which by the way, the sisters are the ones who give us them, they call it medication but I'm not a dumbass, luckily I'm that smart that everytime I have to take the so called drugs, I throw up in the bathroom. I hate it here, I wonder if anyone has actually noticed I've gone missing, if not then I guess I have to find my own way out of here.

Jugheads POV.

I'm now back at Archie's, and I think we're all ready to go. I have the serpents out front and I've told them the plan. Cheryl and Veronica know the place so they're coming with me and Archie is driving because that's the only thing he's actually useful at. "Are we ready?" I say to everyone. They all nod. We hopped in the cars and off we went to save Betty.

Time skip to when they get there because I'm ✨lazy✨

We finally arrived. Some serpents are already working on breaking the gate as the rest of us gear up, just in case. Once the serpents got the gate open it was finally time for us to go inside.

Bettys POV.

It was around 3pm and it was time for our 'candy'. As one of the sisters handed me the the cup and took at and stood up. As I started to walk off a red head approached me. Ethel Muggs, great, just great. We haven't had the best past, she tried kissing my boyfriend so I punched her in the stomach and got detention for a week, worth it. "Betty, I have a question." She said. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want." I sighed, she better hurry up and move before the drugs start effecting me. "Why do you always go to the bathroom after you take your candy?" She questioned me. Shit. "Look, Ethel, I get your obsessed with me but that's no excuse for you to stalk my every move, now if you excuse me." I say whe trying to walk off in a rush. Ethel grabs my arms, tight. "Sister Woodhouse!" She yelled. She walks over to us. "What's the problem, my children." Sister asked. "Betty here, hasn't been taking her candy probably." She said while turning her head towards me and smiling. Sister Woodhouse turned to look at me, I shook my head. "This candy makes you feel better, dear, why not take some more, it'll make you feel all better." She said while a nun walked towards me with a cup full of fizzle rocks. Then another person grabbed me. I tried to resist but I couldn't get out of their hold. They pinned me down the tipped the cup in my mouth, They stopped when they heard a girl yell "Get the hell off of her!"

Jughead's POV.

We finally made it in the building. "So, what do we do now?" Veronica asked. "We find her you dip-shit." I said sarcastically. "Jughead! don't speak to her like that." Cheryl said while taking Veronica's hand. "I know my way around, just follow me and we will soon find her." She added. I nodded and we all followed her. As we walked more down the hallway we heard a faint scream. It was Betty. "It's her! I know it's her." I said with fear in my voice. Cheryl and Veronica agreed and we ran to where we heard the screaming. I barged through the door and Veronica yelled "Get the hell off of her!"

They immediately let go of her and she fell to the ground. She looked weak. The serpents surrounded everyone and Veronica and Cheryl kept an eye out for anyone else as I ran up to Betty. "Betty, baby, are you okay." I asked her softly. She reached her arm out for me as a response and shook her head. She had tears in her eyes. I picked her up bridal style as Veronica and Cheryl lead us the way out, the serpents followed behind us. Betty was cuddling into my chest, she was shivering.

We made it outside and rushed to the car. Veronica jamp in the front seat, Cheryl and I went into the back, I was still holding Betty. When I sat down I placed her on my lap, she was asleep. The drugs have wore her out, the poor thing. I played with hair and rubbed her hand the whole way back.

When we got back I remembered that Betty's house was locked. "Does anyone know where Alice or Betty would keep a spare key?" I whispered to the others, since Betty was sleeping on my lap. "I know where it is, don't worry Jughead." Cheryl whispered back, I nodded. I slowly got out of the car and picked Betty up trying not to wake her. Cheryl lifted up a pot and gave me the key. They a waved goodbye to me as I walked into Betty's house. I carried her upstairs and took her to bed, I layed down beside her and her eyes started to open.

Betty's POV.

I started to open my eyes a little and I saw him, Jughead. I gigged and slowly leaned in to kiss him, he gladly kissed me back. "So it wasn't a dream, you really did save me." I said while moving closer to him. "Of course I did, Betts." He said while getting under the covers. He wrapped his arms around me. "How did you know I was there?" I asked him. "Just get some rest, Betty. We can talk about all this tomorrow, okay?" He said. I nodded my head and rested my head on his chest. He kissed my head and whispered "Goodnight." He started to play with my hair. I smiled before finally starting to go to sleep.

1565 words including this.

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