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Dear Diary,

I cried so much this morning.

So today we had an assembly for "Rachel's Challenge" and it was so freaking sad.

if you don't know what that is or who it was, imma tell y'all.

So Rachel Scott was a high school girl who was nice to everyone. she died during the Columbine Shooting.

the Columbine Shooting was where two high schoolers who took the lives of 12 students and 1 teacher. it was the worst school shooting in American history.

So Rachel's uncle came to our school and told us about that. I cried to much and so did some boys.

he said, "picture your friends and family and anyone you love. just think about them." I thought of my best friends (you know who you are) and my family.

oh gosh imma cry again. OK NEXT SUBJECT!

so I left school early (Around the begining of the last class of the day lol) because my body hurt so freaking much. I was cool with that. it would have hurt more to play my trumpet with the little energy I had.

so no news on Quang really. other than the fact that he didn't cry like the other guys at the assembly.

I'm gonna go because my phone is at like 4% and I need to charge it.

yours truly


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