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dear diary,

have you ever been in your bedroom and suddenly heard a little "click" at the window?  I hate that so much.... it happens every day.

so today, once again, Quang asked my name. this Is what happened.

"Hey you, what's your name again?"


"What's his name?"

"I don't know,"

"what's her name?"


"what's his name?"


then he walked away....

I feel like I can't let go of him, no matter how hard I try. I just can't leave him

so it took me a long time to write this and right now its 7:00 maybe past in Az time. I'm makin enchiladas!!!!!! yaaaaassssss!!!!!! literally the bomb.com

I'm watching the 1st Ninja Turtles movie. it was a sick movie......

because it was so bad. >O< lol

no? ok.

gosh I'm such a nerd.... but I'm tha smarterest person in tha hole wid worlds... :-)

so now I have a there song. its I Feel So by "Boxcar Racer" #mylifesong

ok well I'm gonna go. make sure to like, comment and add my book for other updates!!!!!! (ConnorFranta's voice)

no but really bye.

yours truly,


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