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My little brother is getting a hair cut today; like right now. It's also the day before Turkey day!!!!! I'm suler excited because I get to be with my family.

Okay, so I don't know if I talled about this, but my whole Homeroom fought with a Gaterade bottle. Now befpre you say anything like, "Ya'll some weak ass motha effers," it was like it was glued. So what happened was Amer's friend Monica had a bottle of Gaterade. Quang wanted to have a drink, so he tried to open it. When he couldn't, Amer tried. I said "Let me try." he gave me it and he said "Watch her open it." I couldn't open it and It left a red mark on my hand. Everyone in the class tried, even my teacher and none of us could open it.

Quang kept banging it against the wall and desk and it STILL wouldn't open. So he was legit about to throw it away when the bell rang and Monica had to take it.

Okay, so next is bang. Literally Treasure and my friend David (but we call him Davisha) and we say "Bang" to eachother and my other friends. What we mean by "Bang," is after we say it, you say "I banged you," and walk away. If they already know you do that, then you don't need to say the last part and they would usually say "Stop banging me!" It's really fun.

Okay well that's it kind of.


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