They Want Your Soul

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Levi and Jonathan sat in their seats a whole yard away from each other and watch the teacher teach the same boring lesson about geometry.

It was 8:30 AM and they were bored. Bored and tired, the lesson only just started. It's review for the new thing they were learning today.

Levi yawns and stares out the window hoping for something interesting to show up and capture his attention so he won't fall asleep in class.

Levi was about to fall asleep until something caught his eye. A girl who looks just like the one from the night before. Instead her skin is dark gray but she seems pale. Her eyes black entirely except for the white in the center as if she had lights shining into her eyes.

The girl's hair was long and black riddled with several hair types. She looked underweight and thin only wearing a hospital gown. The face was un-seeable.

She pointed her long boney fingers down.

Levi looks down and to his surprise there was a paper on his desk where he was doodling.

Obsessive writing covering the page with scraping tears and black ink everywhere. His hands his face his clothes. His e. y. e. s.

Levi was mortified that he couldn't see anymore.

"Ms. Irwin! I can't see!" Levi yells. "Jonathan I saw her again she was outside the window! She told me to look down and then my paper was filled with incomprehensible lettering. Then my pen exploded!"

The class laughed at him and didn't take him seriously.

Well except for two students.

Keesha Black and Arianna Baek. They pulled talismans, amulets, rosaries and the crucifix from their desks and bags then they began praying.

"Please don't kid with stuff like this Mr. Mc Carlton." Ms. Irwin warned.

"I can't see!" Levi screamed again trying to clean his eyes.

"Oh my God, his eyes are entirely black!" Veronica screams pointing at him.

Ms. Irwin rushes over knowing that Veronica is the biggest pathological liar in the school with her fake blonde extensions and too much makeup on her face that she claims to be from big expensive brands as well as opulent clothes.

"God bless my soul." Ms. Irwin mumbles covering her mouth with a hand. She couldn't look away. Nor could she actually understand what was happening she looked out the window. There she was.

The teacher was frozen in shock and couldn't move. Her mouth fell open and she said her final words. "Don't stay awake." Then her head exploded and the gore splattered all over the students of her class.

But of course while she was frozen Levi saw her face for the final time before he was covered in the blood of someone else.

Levi did the only thing he knew how to do in horror situations. Call the police.

"Dang school wifi sucks." He hisses swiping away blood and swishy material and bone fragments that used to be inside of his teacher.

"911, how may I help you?" The dispatcher asks.

"My teacher's head just exploded." He says before puking next to his desk.

"Is this a joke?" The dispatcher asks. "It is illegal to call this line if it is not an emergency. I hope you know that."

"You know that thing that that guy brought from Spain since he didn't adhere to the sleeping schedule in a cursed town. Well he lives here. You should know him, Anthony Davis. Died a month ago he committed suicide. Well I saw the thing he brought here. It temporarily blinded me and killed my teacher. Everyone in the classroom is covered in splatter. Just send help please. I-" Levi vomits again and passes out.

"Sir?" The receiver calls out.

The receiver hears the sound of screaming then the sound of a watermelon dropping on the ground the sick sound of a water balloon popping and the sick wet sound of skin being shredded then the sound of a balloon popping.

"It's so funny how fragile humans are." The girl says. Levi could see but his eyes were blind. He was in love with Keesha and didn't want her to die. He prayed that instead of letting himself live he prayed desperately for Keesha to make it home to her family.

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