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Dan had been suicidal for most of our friendship. He seemed to be getting a bit better as we progressed in being friends, but not that much. On common occasions, I would walk into the bathroom and see him cutting something into his arm, stomach, legs, anywhere. I tried to hide all of the razors, but he managed to either find them or buy more. It was one day that Dan said he was going out for a walk that he didn't come back...

"Hey, Phil...I'm going out on a walk..." He said softly. I nodded, not giving it a second thought. I sighed, standing up and putting back my bowl as the door shut. I walked to his bathroom and threw away all of his razors. I hated to see him like this. I was just about to sit down again when my phone rang. I picked it up. It was Peej.

"Ph-Phil..." He started, his voice cracking. "P-Please co-" "IM GOING TO FUCKING JUMP OFF OF THIS PEEJ!" I heard someone scream in the background. Dan. I hung up and ran as fast as I could to where the bridge was. He had attempted suicide twice here.

I arrived and Peej was crying his eyes out. He didn't bother to look up at me. I slowly made my way onto the platform. "Dan...please..." He bit his lip. "N-No one loves me..." I sighed and took a few breaths. "I love you Dan." PJ had called the ambulance. Apparently before I left, Dan had cut himself severely. Dan turned to me. "I don't believe you..." I cupped his cheeks and kissed him. He nearly toppled over the side when I did, so I caught him. His lips moved against mine and his arm was around my waist, pulling me close.

"I love you, Phil."

PJ had called a rescue team and they got Dan off, I hugged him and kissed him a lot. He was limping, so I carried him, kissing him. We arrived at the house and he wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me tightly. He was sobbing. I set him on the couch when we got home, and kissed him a lot.

"Never do this again, Dan."

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

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