Sparks in their heart

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(Melta's POV)
Matt had placed me back on the shelf I usually was.

~Short time skip~

I sat in my bed. "Why would he do that? I'm just a piece of plastic"
These same thoughts just kept on coming.
He saved me from falling,no,he ended the pain, "but why? Ughhhh"
I walked out of my cabin seeing everyone leaving,saying there goodbyes.Matt went back inside? He was talking with the owner,he pointed in my direction.the owner just nodded and smiled to whatever they were talking about.
Matt then started walking my way and picked the globe up.
"Woah!" I quickly grabbed onto a rock as he walked out the door.waving goodbye to the owner.

(Matt's POV)
I can't Mr.Biggs let me keep the snow globe!! I thought to my self as I walked back home with my mom.
"What do you have there hijo?"my mom asked smiling.

"A snow globe mamá" I replied

"Since when are you into snow globes " she's asks as she laughs while talking.
"It just seems special" I half-lied not mentioning the tiny girl.

~Time skip~

I walk into my room with the globe in hand,I place it on my desk and sit on my chair.

"Hi again" I say.

She waved at me with a small frown

"What's wrong?"

She looked at me and pointed to her mouth

" can't speak?"
She shook her head,and point at me then at mouth and her ear

"Oh um you can't hear me?"

She shook her head once more and opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"I can't hear you"

She face palmed and looked at me with a look that said,Duh.

"Oh that's what you wanted to tell me"

She nodded.

" I think I can help with that"

I picked the globe up and placed it on a plastic container.

"I'm gonna break the glass,ok?"

She held her tiny hands up as if to tell to wait,and ran to her cabin,and all I saw was her giving me a thumbs up by her window. I used my small hammer to break the glass,I broke the glass and out came the liquid and glitter. The girl came out of the cabin after I passed a small brush to clean away the glass.

"Are you ok?"i asked as she looked around.

"Why am I here?" I hear her say.

"You're in my room. What's your name?"

"I'm Melta,Melta Snow,and you are"She said in a sweet voice.

"I'm Mateo Lopez,but my friends call me Matt"

"Nice to meet you Mateo"she bowed

"The pleasure is mine"I tipped my imaginary hat.

We both laugh for a minute or so,before my mom opens the door.

"Mateo hijo hora de dormir"
(Mateo son/sweetie bed time)

"Ay voy mamá"
(I'm coming mom)

"Ok pues Buenas noches"
(Ok well goodnight)

"Descansa ma"
(Sleep tight mom)

She closed the door and I looked back at the globe,I didn't see Melta until I looked at the border of the container with her trying to get out.

"Here I'll help" I picked her up and put her on the desk.

"Thanks"she said looking at me with those beautiful eyes of hers,WHAT?!! Beautiful?!! We kept starring at each other. What's this feeling in my heart,why do I feel butterflies in the pit of my stomach,maybe the beans I ate earlier didn't set well,yeah that's probably it.

(Melta's POV)
Why can't I look away? My legs feel weak,and my heart flutters.what is this feeling?

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