Lazy Days of Wine and Dreams

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"Mo Yuan, well this is a surprise." Zhe Yan rose with a genuine smile of welcome the moment he felt the sudden rush of familiar energy erupt behind him.

"It's been a while." Mo Yuan said coming into view and nodding at him as he moved to sit down at the low stone table which was surprisingly laden with hot tea rather than wine.

"Come. Join me." Zhe Yan said as a second cup appeared which he proceeded to fill immediately.

"I was just passing by on my way back from the far north, so thought I'd drop in and perhaps take a stroll before I return home.." Mo Yuan said sitting down grateful for the tea. He really did have a need for it, he had been travelling for days and the hot tea was most welcome.

"So what were you doing in the far North?" Zhe Yan asked curious. Mo Yuan rarely set foot off Mount Kunlun unless there was a need.

"A rare bloom, which took me days to find." he replied before opening his hand where a single yellow flower appeared.

To anyone else, the flower would have looked like nothing much all, just a simple little daisy save for one very important difference and that was the center of the flower itself as well as the stalk which contained tiny and barely discernible thorns.

Zhe Yans eyes goggled excitedly at the find. Not even he had managed to find this rare bloom. One could search for centuries and never find it, and having only ever seen once in his entire lifetime which Mo Yuans father had also found, he tentatively reached out to touch it.

"You lucky bastard. I have searched high and low for this." he whispered awestruck.

Watching Zhe Yans tentative attempt to touch it with the beginnings of a tear on his lashes, Mo Yuan chuckled low. He knew that such a rare bloom would gain this kind of reaction from him and no sooner had the hand lightly touched the first petal, Mo Yuans other hand opened where a second bloom appeared.

"Well, I guess it must be your lucky day too, I got you one as well." he said before suddenly erupting into raucous laughter as Zhe Yans eyes almost exploded his head.

With both hands now out in the air before him, Zhe Yan stopped breathing as the little flower was magically lifted into the air and floated towards him. To own such a rare treasure was any Medicine Kings greatest desire and as it landed unharmed in his open hands the tears that were gathering behind his lashes, slipped off and fell down his cheeks.

"I love you so much Mo Yuan. Did I ever tell that? I do. I love you so much." he laughed and cried at the same time, while Mo Yuans own laughter drowned him out.

It took several minutes before he finally got the man to calm down enough to put the bloom away and as he rose to follow him into his infirmary where he kept all of his medicinal plants, Zhe Yan waffled off every known use the flower had.

"The most potent of magic that this flower can produce is an impregnable barrier against every spell ever known. A potion is made with the little thorns on its stem and being so powerful, only one thorn is needed." he said gently placing the flower down onto an onyx plate which acted as a barrier to contain its inner magical properties so no unintentional mischief could happen should one bump into it.

"Then you can make me one." Mo Yuan said as he turned to leave him to play with his new toy, which is exactly how Zhe Yan would have viewed it, only he wasn't going to let him leave that quickly.

"No you don't, we have some celebrating to do and I would hardly be a gracious and grateful host if I did not thank you properly." Zhe Yan said as he led Mo Yuan back out to the low table where the tea disappeared and a single bottle of his finest wine and two cups appeared.

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