Qixi Jie

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This fan fiction is not a NSFW chapter, however in my mind it is where Mo Yuans love for his Little Seventeenth began. Also, even though I am using Chinas special Lovers Day Qixi which is actually 7th of August this year, I am releasing this one for our own Valentines Day special. Happy Valentines Day everyone 💖💖💖


"Shifu, Qixi Festival in the Mortal Realm is almost upon us, I thought it might be nice for my juniors to create small gifts that we could hand out to the children when we attend the festivities next week." Die Feng suggested having been called into Mo Yuans study to discuss the following weeks agenda which he helped with.

"What kind of gifts?" he asked being a festival for lovers rather than children.

"Seventeenth suggested hair pins with peony flowers for the girls and carved magpies for the boys which I am sure we can all manage to create in our spare time." he replied which to Die Fengs mind was a wonderful idea and seeing as it would also give many of the older Disciples a chance to gift out personal treats to the girls who had taken their interest, they could use the children as an excuse to also visit their lovers while they were there.

"I don't see why not, so long as it does not interfere in their studies." Mo Yuan replied as his mind quickly turned towards Si Yin. That she had come up with a very good idea to celebrate 'Lovers Day' in an ingenious way, was actually quite impressive and being the only girl among the boys, such a day would of course have her young heart fluttering dreamily of her own future.

And so it was decided that gifts would be prepared in their spare time, while many also worked quietly on their own personal gifts which included Si Yin.

Only the night they had all begun to create their gifts, Mo Yuan caught the girl sneaking into the library in the middle of the night to work on her gift which instantly had him wondering who she was preparing it for. Because as far as he was aware, she had no lovers. She was still the pure and untouched little girl he had always thought she was. Only the large armful of flowers and leaves she placed on the side table, suggested that she had a certain someone in mind for them seeing as no peony flowers were visible.

And of course, being in the library at that time of the night, meant she could work on her gift unseen. Using a mixture of flowers she had found on the mountain including peach blossoms which were the focal point, Mo Yuan quietly observed her progress unseen. It was the quietest he had ever seen her and the most attention she had given to anything in the entire time she had been on his mountain which was almost ten thousand years.

Leaving her as quietly as he had entered, Mo Yuan began to worry that his Little Seventeenth had feelings for one of her seniors. He knew of no other boys that she could have fallen for and so for a while he took to watching her interactions with two boys in particular. It was the one reason why he had almost denied her entry, because he knew a day would come, when the girl would break out from the confines of her male disguise and view her brothers as something more than just spiritual family.

Zi Lan was her best friend and the one she seemed to spend the most amount of time with. To his keen eyes, he could see no change in her demeanor towards him, in fact, their quibbling was just as prolific as it always was. If anything, he was seeing a spiritual brother in every sense of the word, so he did not concern himself with this Disciple for much longer.

Only the other Disciple, and one she seemed a little shy around, was Liang and his Seventh Disciple which made more sense because seven was also the auspicious number for QiXi Day, or Lovers Day. He was also a very kind hearted boy with a gentle disposition, which the Peach Blossom symbolized.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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