Water Sprite Trial Continued

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This is a request to continue the Trial Scene in the cave from my book The Water Sprite. I will begin this story from the last few lines of the chapter 'An Eel'. Some editing has had to occur in order to make this chapter flow freely, though more for those who have not read the book which is non NSFW :-)


......"Try some of this." Mo Yuan said, picking up a small piece of ginger wrapped in a barley leaf, then placing a small piece of eel on top, he held it up to her mouth.

Staring at him, she froze.

"Open your mouth." he said chuckling at her.

He laughed again! she thought as her eyes widened at him and then at the food in his fingers.

Opening her mouth, Mo Yuan slowly slipped the food into her mouth, but the moment her lips closed over the food as well as his fingers, a sudden rush of heat surged up through his body. The feel of her soft wet lips on his fingers was unintentional, but it was enough for him to feel that rush of heat spreading to his face.

With her eyes closed, she savoured the combination of flavours. The taste was exquisite on her tongue, that she could not help but flick it out to lick the rest off her lips, and that only increased the heat in his cheeks.

Smiling, her eyes opened only to suddenly widen in alarm. His face was red and he looked ill.

"What's the matter, are you in pain? Unwell?" she asked rising and rushing to his side.

Immediately her hands reached up to check the wound on his head before moving her hands to remove the undershirt he was wearing, only to have him quickly jerking back out of reach.

"What are you doing?" he eyed her suspiciously.

Feeling a mixture of anger and confusion, she also noticed a scent, one she remembered from a long time ago, but it was confusing her because she did not understand it the anger that came with it.

"I just wanted to check your wounds. I have not checked them in a while." She said frowning at him.

Feeling a little foolish. Mo Yuan smiled softly at her. The way she had rushed at him, was so unexpected and though having her that close was definitely what he wanted, he too was just as unsure as she was when it came to the powerful magnetism he could feel whenever so got too close.

"I'm fine. There's no need to concern yourself." he said gently sliding the tip of his finger over the flush of her cheek and making her blush even deeper.

Just being that close to him, was making her giddy and though she quickly rose to return to her meal, she could not mistake the scent that was pouring off him. Raw desire and the heat of arousal. It was what was in that scent, and the moment her eyes rose to look up at him, those dark pooling eyes, had the heat rapidly rising in her own body.

But not knowing what to do about it, or how to initiate some form of contact beyond what had already taken place, Bai Qian lowered her gaze to her meal with an idea. Focused only on the food in front of her, she took a small piece of lettuce leaf and placed a piece of eel on it, then tipping a little of her scented oil over the top she held it up for him to taste.

Surprised by the move, but pleased with it all the same, he lifted his hand and took hold of her wrist, then pulling the food towards his mouth, his lips closed over the small morsel while ensuring she felt his lips slide slowly off her fingertips, then closing his eyes, he allowed the lemon verbena and raw honey in the oil to sit on his tongue for a few seconds to savour the taste.

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