Kyle Spencer (pre death) - summer romance

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One shot - You travel to your old lake place for the first time in awhile, while you're there you meet the most amazing boy you've ever met in your life

Here we are again, my family's old lake house. Practically where I lived the entire summer. I don't think I ever realized how much I missed this place, the lake, the walks, the late nights around the fire. I even missed the neighbors and I am not a people person. It feels like it's been centuries.

"Y/n." my sisters voice brought me out of my own thoughts. "Help with the bags." I quickly walk to the trunk of my sisters car and grab all I can carry. I walk into the old home away from home and immediately feel a wave of nostalgia, and a little joy being back here after all these years.

"Isn't it crazy how long we've been away?" I ask my older sister while admiring the old decor. "Yeah, feels like yesterday." "Hey you think mrs. Rothschild still lives down here?" I ask remembering the one person I actually enjoyed the company of. "Maybe, you can go check whenever I start making dinner."

*a few hours later*

I walk over to the familiar old house next door. I wait for someone to open up after I knock for a second. A boy about my age opens the door. "Hey I was looking for mrs. Rothschild, I was wondering if she still lived here. I guess not. I'll just be off then." "No, she lives here. Hi I'm her grandson, Kyle." "Oh, I didn't know she had a grandson. I'm Y/n, do you mind if I come in?" I ask trying to be as polite as possible. "No, yeah. She's just in the kitchen."

The boy, Kyle was quite cute. But I had something else other than his appearance on my mind. I walked into the house as he stood aside to let me in. I made my way to the kitchen and immediately saw my old friend. "Mrs. Rothschild" I said with a smile on my face. She turned around and her face immediately mirrored mine. "Y/n, you've grown up so much." She exclaimed while standing up to give me a hug. "I was beginning to think you would never come back." She said with a slight chuckle. "I know it's been so long."

We sat there talking for quite awhile. Kyle joined in at one point which somewhat startled me, I had completely forgotten he was there. Mrs. Rothschild brought up the topic of relationships.

"So Y/n, do you happen to be seeing anyone?" "No actually." I stated kind of confused to what she was getting at, until she finished her next sentence. "You know my dear grandson Kyle here is single as well." Kyle slightly choked on his water he was drinking which made me laugh. Although I was feeling quite embarrassed myself and decided it was time to head home, plus dinner was probably well done by now. "Well I best be off, Graci (or whatever you want your sisters name to be) was making dinner when I left and it's probably done now." "Well ok dear, come and visit me anytime you want." I smile and say "oh I will. It will be just like old times."

*the next morning*

I woke up to my alarm. I got ready for the day. As soon as I was about to eat breakfast there is a knock at the door. I walk over to see Kyle standing there. I was a little confused but invited him inside anyway. "So, what brings you here?" I ask starting to eat my cereal. "We didn't get much of a chance to speak yesterday, so I wanted to properly introduce myself." "Ok, well then it's nice to properly meet you." I laughed at my own horrible joke cause I was tired.

"So, how do you know my grandmother again?" "Oh, me and my family used to come here every summer when I was little. We haven't came in a long time, she was the one neighbor I enjoyed having conversations with." "Ah, I see." He said. There was somewhat of an awkward silence since we don't really have much to talk about.

"You're place is really nice." He said trying to break the silence. "Yeah it was like my second home when I was a kid. I always loved it here." "I would too if I got to come here every summer."

After that we warmed up to each other and talked about various, different, random things. I don't think I've ever had such fun conversations in my life. At some point we started talking about what the best sitcom was.

"It is so obviously friends." He argued with a smile on his face. "No, no, no. The office is the best sitcom ever made by a long shot. It just can't be beat." "I will have to disagree strongly with that." "Come on, Pam and Jim's love story is the best thing ever made." I state with a wide smile on my face and a playful eye roll. "No, that would be Ross and Rachel." He shot back. "I agree that roschel is cute, but they just keep going on and off. And that's not very good on a relationship." "Let's just agree to disagree. Alright?" "Fine."

After that we saw each other everyday. He was like my best friend, there was just one tiny little problem. I may have developed a crush on him. But it's fine, it's JUST a crush. At least that's what I told myself. Little did I know he felt the exact same way. It was kind of obvious. My sister and even mrs. Rothschild saw it, which she saw it from day one. Me and Kyle were just completely oblivious to the others feelings. We were talking while sitting on my deck. I don't really know what about. Our conversations never really made since, but that was fine with me.

I was ranting about sea food when I realized that he's been quiet for a long time. I assumed he wasn't paying attention. I looked over to see him already staring right back at me with a cute smile across his face. "What?" I asked my expression somewhat mirroring his. "You're just beautiful." I could feel my entire face heat up. "Wh-what?" He never really complemented me that often and when he did it wasn't something like that. As soon as I asked my question his lips were on mine. I was so flustered and confused I couldn't even process what was happening until he pulled away.

When he realized I didn't kiss back. His face became sadder. "I'm sorry- I shouldn't have do-" "shut up." I stated as I finally became aware of everything and kissed him again. It was passionate but sweet. Exactly how I imagined it would be. After quite awhile we finally pulled away. "Wow." He stated still in a daze. "Yeah."

After that we became an official couple. We spent practically every waking moment with each other the rest of the summer. Normally either making out or cuddling. It was the best time of my entire life. I loved the lake even more that summer than any of the rest, and that's saying something.

A/n: this is longer than my other one but still pretty short, I low key loved it though. Just a disclaimer I love friends and the office equally. I just can't choose.

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