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P.s. umm I am running out of title ideas so I'm gunna stop naming them and y'all imma make another book and it is gunna have the same plot as the movie "to all the boys I've loved before" cuz I think that movie is hella cute and I am watching it right now as I am making this story but I am going to add my own little twist to it so if you want to see it stay tuned ight enough for me on to the story.

Your pov

Skip 1 month

Everything was going great school me and Alejandro we're all good and me and the boys are close and I met another one of their friends named Robert he's pretty chill we get along great ale doesn't want me hanging out with vallyk cuz you know he's jealous Katie's still up my ass sometimes and not as much as before and her little minions Cynthia and Celia always follow her around 2 they're as annoying as her but let's not talk about them my birthday is in a couple of weeks so is summer and my mom and Derek are coming back so I'm pretty excited for that but me and Ale still haven't told our parents that where like a thing and practically the whole school knows because Katie thought it would be a good idea at a party to tell everybody that me ale are a thing but nobody really cared but anyways my birthday I'm so excited to see my mom and Derek

Kai and I we're sitting down and eating at lunch in the rest of the boys came over and sat down

Ale: so babe what do you want to do for your birthday

Y/n: ummm I don't really know tbh

Kai: I have an idea the boys and I will surprise you

The boys: ya

Ale: bebe you like that idea or no

Y/n: I like it it sounds fun

Tia: ok then its settled

Kai: we are no longer the NJ boys we are the party planner boys

Then everybody starts to laugh then Addison comes up to me and she looks like she's been crying

Addi: *breathing heavily*

Y/n: hey hey baby what's wrong

I say sounding worried and standing up then pulling her into a hug

Addi: Cha- c-

She says trying to control herself but it only makes her cry harder

Then I start to rub her back

Y/n: it's okay take your time breathe in breathe out

Then she starts to breathe in and breathe out then she's finally calm down

Addi: o- ok *sniff* it's Charlie

Y/n: ok can you tell me what happened to Charlie and where Noah is
She shakes her head yes

Y/n: okay guys I'll see you later come on Addison

Then we walk outside of the school to our little spot and she tells me

Addi: Me Charlie and Noah walking to school

Y/n: ok

Addi: and we are waiting at the cross light

Y/n: mhm

Addi: then the thing said to walk so we did but some dumb idiot couldn't see that the light was red and was speeding down the street and hit Charlie

She said with tears streaming down her face

My eyes start to water a little later tears started coming down my face

Addi: I would have told you sooner it's jus I got caught up in the moment and we were taking her to the hospital and we stayed there for a couple hours and I forgot to call you and then Noah brought you up so I said I'll go get you and I started crying

Then I pulled you into a game we both cried for a little then I said I want to go see Charlie so we hopped in the car and went to see her

End of your pov

Ales pov

After y/n and Abigail, Annabelle, oh! I remember it's Addison don't judge me I don't know her friends names

( damn ale I get you can't remember her name but Annabelle really ale... I'm disappointed😔)

After they left me and the boys town you planning on her party

Skip to when ale got home

I got home and y/n was still not home
She didn't tell me where she was going she jus left so I called her no answer called her again no answer I texted her no answer I was trying to get really worried and I thought maybe she just hang out with her friends I didn't think anything of it then I went upstairs did to my homework cuz it was boring with out her eventually ended up falling asleep....
3 hours later

I woke up from my nap I laid there for a little bit scrolling through Tik Tok that I finally decided to get up and go get a snack....
I walk down stairs I looked out the window in the sun was starting to set I grabbed Takis out of the pantry they weren't mine they were Y/n's but she wouldn't mind if I had a couple right I didn't bother going upstairs to ask her it was too much work so I jus went upstairs plopped down on the bed and started to eat the Takis.....
A little later I had to realize I ate the whole bag oops she don't mind I just buy a new ones so I got up to go tell her I ate the whole bag...
I knocked on the door I'm not saying it again no response so I just open the door she wasn't in there then I remembered that she left and still hasn't came back...
So I called her no answer call her again no answer texted her no answer so I started to get worried...

To be continued.....

Hey y'all thank you so much for 800 reeds it means a lot to me sorry that I haven't posted it and I'm posting it so late but the reason is because a wooden post last night so I just saved it and posted it right now I'm in a couple touches to it I made it longer then it originally was so yeah I hope you all enjoy thank you so much again thank you thank you thank you I don't deserve you anyway bye word count is... 1102 😭👽😂✌😟💀👄🐍💋😩😜😘😔😳😗😅❤✨🔑😼✊💍😒😌😐✨

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