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Time skip
1 year

Nothing really happened the past year the kids turned 3 in April and now my birthday is coming up
Me and ale have been dating for a year straight no on and off
Same for alicia and mattia Max even calls him dad witch is so cute
Derek never finished college he says "it was too boring" witch I think i stupid because he's jumped from 3 colleges in the last 3 years so now he lives with me I don't mind but I did have to move cause there wasn't enough room for us all to live there so we moved into a bigger house
I am thinking about putting the kids in preschool ale thinks their not ready for preschool but I think they are but whatever
My mom found herself a bf and he is rich rich i was like make his pockets hurt
Ale is going to college to be a engineer
Me and alicia are gunna graduate and become doctors in 5 days
So i am super excited about that
But my mom won't be there because her and her rich boyfriend live in New York
Her bf doesn't like me he said "she's a bad influence for my 17 year old daughter" but i could care less
Anyways me and ale are laying in the bed and he us trying to tell me something but he wont spit it out

Y/n: ale could you spit it out I have to get to class

I don't really have class i jus want him to say it

Ale: ok I want to have another kid

He says not looking at me

Y/n: really!

I have been wanting to bring it up but i was too scared

Ale: ya

He says looking at me

Y/n: well when do you wanna try

I said sitting on the bed

Ale: i thought you had class

Y/n: no I jus wanted you to spit it out

Ale: come here

Then i crawl over to him

Ale: how aboutttttt......... Tonight

Y/n: tonight

Ale: yep

Y/n: ok baby names

Ale: witch one first girl or boy

Y/n: girl

Ale: Annabelle

Y/n: noooooo thats the doll name

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