The Forest chapter 40

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I got so scared when Aiden walked out. I thought he was gone for real this time. The first time he left, I knew mum was wrong but the second time, it was all my fault. He was right, I had been treating him like a child. I had enjoyed being in charge of him. Was I power tripping?

He is so amazing and I loved the fact that in my world he needed me so much. It made me feel safe to think he had nowhere else to go. I know now that I'm afraid he will realise I'm nothing special. When he came back I couldn't face him.

What am I going to do? I love him so much, if he leaves me I don't know how to live anymore. When he came back I was so relieved but scared too. What if I do something to upset him again? I'm still angry with mum but mostly with myself. It's been a few days since I spoke to him, I need to tell him how I feel. I'm not going to hide my feelings anymore. But when I finally get up and eat the breakfast he left for me, he's not here. Did I drive him away again? I almost go into a panic but the note on the table stops me.

Aiden remembered to leave a note and his handwriting is pretty good now! He's gone to the police station by himself, but he says I can call when I see this. He sounds like any regular ordinary guy, I was wrong to treat him that way. I feel bad that I'm a bit disappointed, he's so quick to settle in. He was like a child who grew up too fast. At the same time though he's so much older than me. Everyone thinks there's a ten year gap between us but it's so much bigger. I must call him, no more avoiding. I miss him.

I get ready to meet him just in case and tentatively call his new number. I hope he knows how to pick up the call. Surely mum showed him. I should have been the one helping him learn but instead I'd ignored him. I wait twisting my t-shirt before he picks up the call.

"Alice! You saw my note!"

"Oh, yes I... Aiden I'm sorry. Can we talk about some things later? I.. I just called to see if everything was ok, is it? OK, I mean?"

"I really missed the sound of your voice! I'm on my way back. I'll see you soon. You have to talk to me when I'm back! Bye Alice."

He hung up. That was surprising, I wanted to talk more. I look at the time, it's two in the afternoon. Did I sleep that late? I look around the house to see if anything needs to be done but it's spotless. Come to think of it I hadn't even done the dishes this week. I feel a bit useless.

I started organising my room instead. Finally putting those papers away. I go through my shelves too, then the bathroom. I pick up the sanitary towels organising them neatly in the cupboard. Why do I have so many? I bought them a week ago but I still had loads. Wait a minute I need to look at the calendar.

Oh it's alright, I couldn't be? Actually I'm not even due yet. No wait a bit, I'm due next week but I've skipped a month? Last time was in the forest. I'm not too sure but it's definitely not impossible! Things had been happening so fast that they didn't feel real. Weren't you supposed to feel sick? I'd been a bit sleepy, was that a sign?

I'll have to pick up a test but I won't say anything to Aiden till I'm sure. My thoughts are broken by the sound of the door opening downstairs. Aiden must be back. I'm not going to talk about that now, I'd better straighten everything else out.

"Alice? I'm home! Are you good now?"

He runs up the stairs as I come out the room. There's a massive smile on his face. I just hug him, I don't want to give anything away. I pull him into the room and hug him again so he can't see my face.

"I'm sorry Aiden. I just don't want you to leave me ok. I know I was wrong to treat you like that, please forgive me."

Actually I'm not even thinking about our fight anymore but for now I won't say anything.

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