Heros never die

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Having it be a month since your father's death, you have played it over and over in your head what could've gone differently and he'd still be there. There wasn't nights where you'd stay up, wanting to bring him back.

The funeral was today. You were standing in your room, glancing at your tired and achy self in the mirror. You took a long, deep breath and you hear the chatter from down below.

Walking downstairs, you wiped the leftover tears that you cried last night. Before walking towards the kitchen, your feet halted and your head turns to your father's office. You glanced around to see if the coast was clear and you opened the door, revealing his lab. Nothing was touched or moved since he passed.

You scanned around the empty and cold office. Your eyes caught a photo of you and your father on his desk in the corner. You cracked a smile, revealing the picture of you and him at your first grade piano recital.

You remembered that day down to a T. You picked up the photo and caressed it.

Suddenly, you heard an alert coming from your father's computer. You glanced back, revealing a red button flashing. You raised a brow, hesitating to walk over. You walked yourself over and put your palm out of press the button. Once you did, a holographic message of your father came up. You gasped.

"So I thought I'd probably better record a little greeting... In the case of an untimely death on my part. I mean, not that, death at any time isn't untimely. This time travel thing that we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow, it's– it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. That's the thing. Then again, that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end."

Tony suddenly gets up walking towards his camera. "What am I even trippin' for? Everything's gonna work out exactly the way it's supposed to. I know that you'll be okay, because you're Y/N. Strong, independent and a little stubborn but that's okay. We need more of that in the world, Y/N. We do."

You smiled with a little laugh, tearing up. He leans down and smiles. He is looking straight at you in the camera. You admire him.

"I love you."

The message ends and the hologram cuts out.

"I love you too, Dad." You tell yourself, sniffing.

"Hey, you." Your mom walked into the office, leaning on the wall. "Everyone's outside."

You nodded, smiling dully. "I'll be right out." You set down the remote on the table.

You feel your mother's embrace as she tucks you to her side. You slammed yourself into her and she places a single kiss on your head. "I know, sweetie. I know." Your mother softly whispers to you as you tried so hard to keep the tears inside.

You walked outside to the cottage revealing everyone You nodded uneasily, following behind Pepper who was carrying a wreath.

She lays the wreath on the lake.

All you hear is birds chirping and trees rustling.

Standing there for a moment by yourself, everyone scattered expect for you. You watched the wreath go deeper into the lake.

You turned around and witness everyone was inside of the cabin. You decided to head deeper down to the lake area, where you would hang out to think, just to be alone.

Walking down the hill and heading to your spot by the lake on a bench, you witness Sam and Bucky, standing there and by the looks of it they were in shock.

Walking, Sam and Bucky turn around because they heard the leaves on the ground as you were walking on them.

By just a single glance, you realized who that old man was sitting on the bench.

You took a deep breath and sighed, turning to Sam and Bucky for advice.

"I'm pretty sure he's waiting on you." Bucky informed.

You bit your lip and look at Sam. Sam nods in agreement.

You smiled in a cheekily way. Taking another deep breath, you continued to walk towards the man on the bench.

As you got into view, you tilt your head in awe. You sniffed, "Cap?" Your voice cracked.

The old man smiled, "Hi, Y/N."

"Hi." You began to tear up. You wiped a tear that was falling.

Steve motions for your hand and you give it to him. He puts his hand on top of yours and pats it. You sit down next to him on the bench.

"You're-" You laughed, "All grown up. So Captain America is retiring." You and Steve lock eyes.

"You have one now." Steve turns to Sam and nods to him in respect.

You turned to Sam, who nods to you also. You smiled sweetly.

You feel a hand touch yours and you turned back, glancing to Steve. Your eyes began to tear up as he places his other hand on your cheek. You leaned your cheek as he caressed it.

"You are going to do great things, Y/N, I just know it." Steve tells you.

"How am I supposed to live in a world where you don't exist? Not even as Captain America, but as Steve Rodgers." You sniffed, wiping a tear. "My best friend."

"Oh-" Steve pulls you into his side, "You know, I always wondered what I would look like old. I look pretty good." Steve jokes.

You chuckled as you lift your head up from Steve's chest. You take Steve's hand and which now has a wedding ring on. "You want to tell me about her?" You motioned to the ring, smirking.

"When I see you again." Steve pats your hand.

"Mhm, when will that be?" You raised a brow, pouting as you cupped your hands together impatiently.

Steve turned to Bucky and Sam, who were just watching you and Steve on the bench. As Steve was looking, you didn't break eye contact with him. His wrinkles, his old man smile, you were in awe by him.

"Don't be in such a rush, Y/N. I have a good feeling about your future." Steve winks at Bucky.

You caught on by looking at who he was winking to. You locked eyes with Bucky and smiled sweetly to him. Bucky gives you a sweet smile. You weren't surprised that Steve mentioned that Bucky will be your future, you had feelings for Bucky for a while, just never had the chance to act on it.

But in the future, according to Steve Rodgers, you two finally do.

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