Hey Writer Person ✍️ - Writing Monsters

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Hey Writer Person,

I write a lot about monsters. So I thought I'd look at HOW I write about them. I subscribe to the Jaws school of monsters. I saw a documentary on the movie a while back where the robot of the shark in Jaws looked so bad that they were worried the audience wouldn't be convinced by the threat. So it is said that Speilberg decided to show the shark as little as possible. Which ended up making Jaws even scarier. And I think this can be applied effectively to books. To any form of entertainment really -- the more time the audience spends with the threat, the less threatening it is. The reader gets used to it, desensitized. The more they see it, the more they learn not to be afraid of it. So I try to keep the monster hidden and at a distance as long as possible. It worked great for Jaws. So if you're writing monsters, that's my advice: Don't show em. Not much. ;)

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